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  • Have you read the whole series of The Hunger Games? We seem to both be asking SilverFalcon about it, so I'm curious.
    Did SonicNintendo ever come on, kupo?
    Yes, kupo!! I'm sure sure when it's supposed to come out, but they are making one!
    Oh no, kupo!
    We've both had misfortune with necklaces, kupo!
    Did you know their making a Hunger Games movie?
    I should draw a moogle...they're awesome, kupo! I had a necklace that was shaped like a 'J' and it had leaves coming off of it, kupo. I lost it cuz the chain broke ;-; then I got mad at the chain, broke it more, and cut my finger, kupo. I was in the FF phase at the time ad I liked my necklace, kupo.
    He is, as moogles call him, A SORE LOSER, KUPO!!!
    I wouldn't even cheat, considering I don't use EV training, but I wouldn't shut my DS off, kupo. I battle my brother- in - law and I don't shut it off if he beats me, even though I wish I would, kupo. *he won't beat me now I have a level 100 and he doesn't, kupo...*
    You should win, kupo!

    (^ ^)3
    Bunny wants you to win, kupo!
    We have sent you a basket of pid- I mean fudge cookies, kupo! Enjoy, kupo!

    *they aren't pidgey cookies XD*
    I found my Pokewalker, kupo!

    Who is dis person you are battling?
    The bunny isn't feeling too well, leave a message after the beep and he'll get back to you.
    Oh dear, kupo...
    I've had Silver for 2 years at least, so I'm pretty used to it, kupo!

    look its a bunny
    Yes, that's true, I was going to change my username to Kupo, kupo! Oh, well, in less then a month I'm going back to Silver =3

    ...I hadn't thought about that, kupo! xD The only reason I learned about Moogle's was because of Kingdom Hearts, kupo. I think I'm going to sign up as a Moogle in moon-panther's RP...=D
    Herk, sorry if I sent that to you seven times. I got an internal server error, then I tried to send it again, and it told me to wait a minute between sending PMs. It didn't show up in my sent items though, so I sent it again.
    I've only changed my user title, I was thinking about SilverFalcon the Moggle, but it's too long for me, kupo! xD!!
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