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  • Since I read moon-panther's RP, kupo! Moogle's are awesome, kupo! =3
    (' * ') Moogle!
    Whoo! XD
    As of now I don't have a friend code, so yea xD
    What is you're team made up of? :3
    What's you're friend code so I can already have you registered? That way it'll be easier if you want to battle in February! =3
    Sorry, I can't. Turns out I won't be getting Wi-Fi until February. I thought I would be getting it sooner, but now I can't get it until then.
    Cool. Could you PM me what team you're using, maybe? I'd like to see the battle, so if you're using Platinum, then maybe use the VS. Recorder?

    Argh. I'm interested in competitive battling but breeding and training a level team is annoying. I've been pseudo EV training all game, but that slows it down so much. No more ranting for now, though. I hope you do well!
    O-O I either have to do them after school or after homework. I have to go to bed at 11, so no chores there. xD
    Aw, don't worry. We'll try to have it carry on. Plus, at least Awakening is active.
    Mmkay. Perhaps I will eventually.

    Haha, I was just about to prod you to post but you just did. Also, I added a little power of friendship thing for Smile. I dunno. :D
    Finished the Sprite examples. Also, Happy Thanksgiving. Mine was rather... Uneventful.
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