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  • :D So you're the oldest! How awesome! You must be a role model for all of them, it seems. C:
    Awwh, you have a little sister? ^^ I've always wanted a little sister, but instead I have a little brother. C: And a big brother. I'm the only female child. D:
    :D Your avatar gave it away.


    I know right? And after all the poor man's been through, too. People really just don't know what good people, and good music, are anymore.
    Oh, I know how you feel. I'm like, the only one in my school who is a fan and doesn't think he was a perv, a pedophile, or creepy. :C It's sorta sad, you know? It's like everyone believes what they see on T.V. nowadays. :C
    <3 You know, ever since you mentioned MJ, I've been meaning to ask; are you a fan?
    Yes! But Blade got rid of them! D:

    I have a different version of the Infer-Terra splice, I'll have it up later tonight!
    This life don't last forever
    (Hold my hand)
    So tell me what we're waiting for
    (Hold my hand)
    We're better off being together
    (Hold my hand)
    Being miserable alone
    (Hold my hand)

    Cause I been there before and you've been there before, But together we can be alright. (alright) (yeah)
    Cause when it gets dark and when it gets cold we hold Each other till we see the sunlight.

    So if you just hold my hand, baby, I promise that I'll do all I can
    Things will get better if you just hold my hand
    Nothing can come between us if you just hold, hold my, hold, hold my, hold my hand, hold my hand~
    Wait, 4 srs? Gosh, they released them quick! I didn't know they were already on the radio! Oh well, the songs are very nice, though Breaking News isn't sung by him; Sony used, if I'm correct, two different singers for that. :C I can tell that it's not him.

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