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  • You mean Michael? <3 That's the title of the new album, but it's scheduled to be released in December fourteenth... are you sure you aren't talking about Michael Jackson: The Experience? That's a video game, and it was released about two days ago. :D I don't have either, but I do want both~ <3 Hopefully I'll get them for Christmas~ :DDD
    Yeah. xD Right? That's why I don't want to change it, that and because I'm so close to Michael Jackson it'd feel very rude to me if I suddenly change my name to something else. :C It feels like I'm disrespecting the dead.
    XD! Um...it's a Duskinor named...! I can't think of one x3
    Now we have...
    Palm Reading Gardevoir
    Bob the Fudge Cookie Making ??? Type Snorlax
    and now(as far as I remember them) The Marker Duskinor! :D
    *throws marker to MD team in Steam Cave*
    *draws Xavier a marker friend*
    My stalker scares me some. Lol!
    I've been sick for 3weeks so I can't go over her house when she asks. :D
    *suck suck suck* Haha, on the Caption the Avatar Above You thread, people were commenting about how she just sucks up her frozen boogies. D: <3 But you know; it's cute! I'm actually thinking about changing my name to Kumashun, but then I'll miss Mini Moonwalker a lot. :C
    It's the same here, I would go walk too but I have a stalker friend that lives two houses down. o.O
    It's nice out for a November day! :3
    Haha, I actually had this avatar for a while (before you joined) and many people thought the same thing! :D Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

    Plus, she has a frozen boogey hanging out of her nose. :3
    It's sucks now that I can't think of anything to post in it! It's an awesome banner! Maybe on another forum it will succed...:D
    Yesh! XD!!
    When you're not looking they take you're DNA! Then they clone you! xD
    Even you're clone now! They have secret tecnology that clones people who go in there!
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