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  • Its only 12:30pm here, so good afternoon! XD
    You're inside the vending machine! xD
    I read that and drooled a little...xD I must figure out how to make that! Let's just hope it doesn't taste like my cake xP
    At least you won't kill the cake!
    I made a cake once...never again, it tasted like baking soda cuz I used the wrong kind! :3 I tried it for Mother's Day, I guess it's the thought that counts! xD
    Darn! It would have been fun to text someone who I don't know outside of the internet! :3

    I just discovered what it does to pictures, and now I'm doing it to all my pics! :3
    Thank you so much! That really helped! I might join when I have more time on my hands, since I'm very busy with school right now. C: Thanks so much Cloud! <3
    :o Is it cuz your homeschooled?

    I'm on my computer inverting colors on some pictures, I am amused :D
    Awesome! That's really cool! I hope you have a great time there! And thank you! *hug* Also, I've been meaning to ask you this: I want to join some kind of RP, but I'm really shy and don't know how, and I was wondering if you could help me...?
    Oh yeah! I forgot you were homeschooled! Haha, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! *hugs*
    I don't know...they didn't send anything else. XD
    It's odd how people randomly get your number! xD
    Well thats true. XD But that was totally random though! I never gave a spanish person my number!
    You bad spammer, you! I am a lost person, I'm not keeping up with my RP's! And on a random note...someone just texted me in spanish...NO COMPRENDA. XD
    So you're a bad/good spammer! XD

    I hate taking pics of myself, so I'm not sure if I ever posted there. x[ When I get my digital camera, I may take a pic then and post it, I may have some older ones...You're welcome!
    Bad spammer. *smack*
    Alsoo, I saw you're pic in the forum! You did not look uglyful! You looked cute :D
    Posted in the LBP. Now contains more distressed, erratic action! :D
    I think when you get 1,000 posts you turn into a Butterfree! |3 <-- a butterfly
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