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  • I like you're art! It looks good, I think better then mine. I bring my sketch book to school and kids look through them and think they look cool even if they're pokemon. ^^
    That's what I will do, I have to upload them at a later time. There will most likely be about 9 at a time. Have you posted yours yet? You should put them in you're album!
    I know I'll be somewhat behind as I can't do them untill I go to the library and upload them xD My mom's car died, so it won't happen until...Monday or so, not sure.
    I am now doing drawing! I have a Piplup and Jirachi ready, and I plan on drawing an Umbreon and Espeon with Christmas hats on. Let's see, I know I'll be behind some so I will have ready:
    Picture of Sora(from Kingdom Hearts, I drew his face xD)
    (maybe) Kirby
    Ichigo (from Tokyo Mew Mew)
    (maybe) Evil Mew (I never got the chance to upload it for Creepypasta contest)

    That's it for now xD
    I'm going to do pixel art! (cuz I can'mt figure out how to upload my drawn pictures *mumblemumble*

    EDIT: :O I FIGURED OUT HOW TO UPLOAD MY PICTURES! *my friend makes me send pictures to her Email so I know now what to do!! :DDD
    Bye everyone, my parents shut off the internet at 8 every night, so...imma be kicked off in 7 minutes =(
    Hey. Finished my ArtMo thing for today. Warning, though, it sucks. It started out with Neiriana and then turned bad. But whatevs.

    Hey, where is everyone getting that Santa Hat on your avatars? Did you people make it, or is there a shop?

    YAYAYAYAAYYAAY!! *goes off to make picture*
    Yeah, I saw that. Your step father sounds like, whether you agree or not, he's trying to make sure you turn out a certain way.
    Thats the same reason that it's taken so long for the hunters to arrive.
    Got to go to school now, bye.
    Hey, its been a while since I talked to you and now I feel bad.
    Anything interesting happen with you recently?

    (Praise the santa hat.)
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