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    *laughs on the inside* You'll find out on New Year's! }:3
    XD! You could kiss one of your siblings! ...! *Silver has gotten an idea!* Hehehehe...:D
    Cloudycloudycloudycloudy! (i missed my VM ;-;) You gonna kiss someone on New Year's day? xD (It's the tradition!)
    Yes. The RNG gods don't appreciate it when you worship false idols.

    They also like tea, or so I've heard. And donations. *nod nod*
    X3 I got them for Christmas! along with a few other pairs of them :] I've made quite a few people jealous with my toe-socks and my Pokemon Ranger game x]
    Ironic you should ask, my parents gave me the password to the internet yesterday.

    In other words, yes, it's open.
    For the record, that was completely luck-based. If Magmortar hadn't missed...THRICE.

    Seriously, replace that one with Flamethrower.

    And everyone knows the best tactic ever is to STALL your opponent to death!

    Anyway, good game! I really enjoyed it.
    I've been told that twice today! XD By you and Blade! It's like a Bakugan for girls who aren't into that, I like Bakugan too, it's just these are cute little animals that can turn into balls, I have a shiny seal =3
    It was great! I got a DS game case which was severely needed, along with a book, a season one of a show I never heard of but is probably really good (my aunt usually gets weird things that are awesome), and some Invader Zim stuff. Also, we got two Wii games but they don't work until we get an update. That'll be fixed soon, though!

    ALSO, I believe it's allowance time in ASB. AND YOU GOT PRESENTS (From Linoone)!

    Sorry that I couldn't get you anything. I couldn't think of anything I could afford.
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