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  • Meh, I'm a lot like my parents.

    Meh, You'll get used to it. When you come back don't behave too much or they'll send you back thinking you can only get better. Same if you come back worse.
    Ah, Anyway I'll try and make a Sprite for you. Also I think you'll do well at boot camp.

    Note: Both my Parents agree with me about your step dad.
    ^-^!! Your welcome! I figured I could do that since you said no one would kiss you! x3
    I started out ten feet from the router/modem thing, got no signal, then moved over to my room and got one or two, but they dissapeared as I mentioned.
    Happy new years (I think). It's already 1 PM over here.

    Good luck in 2011.
    I have no idea how to fix this. My connection keeps going from 1-2 bars to zero and then I get D/C'd.

    I might be a minute or two late 'cause I've got some ASB stuff I need to post, but I'll be there.

    *takes another sip* ...wuh? *passes out on the floor*

    I put the wine in there! ...wait.
    Gah, sorry I'm sorta late. Got caught up in stuff.

    At 8:20, so a half hour, maybe? I'll need your FC and if it's my Crystal or Chrome Gym that you're challenging.
    :D?! YAYAY!!

    Wut ar yu implying Cloouudyy?? Hw cn yu nut get drnk on Neww Yearr's eeve??

    Is it there now?? *takes wine with her to CC*
    Bye Sky. D:

    I'm at your going away party, eating all the refreshments. I wish you don't have to leave, and I hope you come back all in one piece at TCoD. I'll miss you, so come back when it's all over, OK?

    And in less seriousness, it's almost new year's. Soon, 2010 will be gone, and a new year will appear!

    Will you be staying up until 12:00? I always did, even though it meant almost nothing since I regularly stay up until one. xD
    I made a scratch moogle for you, but I can't get it right now '.'

    Goood Cloouudyy...*walks over to Cloud* Yuu wnt regrrett anythun lik Bladey-booy...rihtt Cloouudyy??
    Interesting. Meh, the winters here are extremely pleasant. But then again I can't feel the cold so I don't really know.
    How hot? (in Degrees C if possible) It gets to about 40 here in the early parts of summer.
    XD There will be a lot of them! You should write 'TCoD' on your arm everyday too! That'll be a lot of notifications!

    Good Clouuddy, Bladey-boy ddnt waant any of the winne I gaave him...Cloouddy, yu arnt married arre yuu??
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