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  • Everyday Cloud is gone, I shall post in our conversation! So you don't forget!

    xD *pours some wine for Cloud* ... *takes another sip* *starts getting drunk* Clooudyy! Du yu lik yur wine...?
    I know cuz I acted that way before...-+-

    Maybe, right now drunkish Silver is collapsed in Blade's converstation, he was frighted. Drunk Silver called him 'Bladey-boy' xD *drinks wine*
    Wow, You're the first I've ever met. It's humid, hot and rather windy. Thankfully there's lots of shade around here.
    Oh gosh, I'm gonna miss you D:

    Have fun out there; I'ma wait for you :) *we should have a going away party thread with lots of virtual chocolate*
    Hey, at least it's not face-meltingly hot over there. Today is the first day under 30 degrees in about a month.
    XD!! Yep! I got an idea from our conversation, so be expecting a present at midnight tomorrow! ^-^

    Also: Don't worry about your best friend! I think I know why she's acting like that, but you should figure that out on your own ^-^ .::SECRET::.
    If you have a party I'm coming. I'll take care of drinks and bring a chocolate fountain.

    -I don't know you either. Must be a mistake!-

    Do you have TCoD bookmarked/as a shorcut on you desktop? If not DO SO so when you get back you won't forget us!
    They probably did! The other stuff was really good, though, so I wish it wasn't.

    I need to eat some real food other than gum.
    Oooh, that sounds good. Mashed potatoes are like, the best food on earth, though. But the restaurants always make them weird, don't they? Their's something just wrong with them in a way. The ones at home are the best.

    Just like spaghetti! Seriously, I hate tomatoes a lot, and there's always a lot of spices and meat in it at home, so once I ordered some spaghetti at some place thinking it would be better than some of the weird things, and I was like what is this thing. It tasted like they poured tomato paste out of a can and directly onto the noddles!
    I think it's the okra that's spicy. 0.o

    It's just bizarre. It's also commonly made with the leftovers none of us want to eat anymore so that might also contribute. xD

    That sounds good though! Really yummy and good. However, you mentioning potatoes makes me want some of them, in any form. I just love that food~

    Like what kind of beef stew? I like cooked carrots a little when they're in a soup can, but otherwise blech. Also, I love beef stew in cans too, but when my dad makes it himself he adds noodles and okra and stuff so it generally doesn't taste good.

    Also, it's spicy. Why?!



    (I realized we haven't talked that much so here's a discussion topic!)
    ^-^ I'm told that daily by my friends actually! xD My socks are stupidly adorable...? xD Not Cloudyness as in gloomy, but your general Cloudy self ^-^ Don't be scared! It's something nice!!
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