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  • I'll be using them in your present. What are your four favourite pokemon? My sprite sheet should have at least one sprite of each of them on it.
    XD Just cuz I was drunk before and took my shirt off then means nothing! xD!! I won't be drinking wine for a while!
    X3 (Note: We didn't kiss in real life!) I was drunk, and he was the one to kiss me first! (well, at least not on the cheek!) x3
    Here's a look for yah.
    I'm trying to decide what I'll do for your going away present. Now I only have 14 days to decide. And you're going ONE MONTH before my birthday :|
    I see. I'll be waiting until then, I guess~!
    Yes it is~! :D
    Cloud, I'm getting really sad. I really don't want you to leave. :c
    Yeah. It's one of the three best two-pokemon-splices I've ever done. The others being a Scizor/Drapion and Gallade/Kirikizan. I'm ususally not very good at Splices involving less than five pokemon.

    I'm still planning the epic Sprite for your going away present.
    Yaaaaaaaay~! Hold my Hand is officially one of the best songs ever. <3
    What date exactly will you be back? I need to write it on my calender~
    X3 Glad I entertain you. I'm glad I figured out why my lips taste like steel now, though.
    Can it be our song? Like, our sibling song? Pleeeeaaaasssee? <3
    Because my brother is going away for six months to boot camp. :(
    Oh how clever, Yoshi. Just completely miss the fact that he posted the thread already and answered the question. My cleverness astounds me :|
    Hmm... Miscellaneous Discussion, at a guess :P

    Happy New Year by the way! :D If you don't mind me asking, when do you actually leave?
    XD I think he's drunk...xD

    EDIT!!: Just found out...hes not drunk, but 100% sober O.O I'm worried...o.o
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