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  • Not a problem :D

    I'll joni one day...! hurr my folks know nothing about me and my perv ways. You know how you fangirl over FMA (which is completely justified hot damn) and have pairing and alla that? I've gotten that way. I'm usually The Stoic (oh TVTropes <3) so whoasnap contrast :D

    Annnd report cards are in! I got pretty much all A's which is always cool (I really thought I'd get a B somewhere.). Mainly cause my Science grade was heavily influenced by playing a game involving hitting a guy with a bike. Go third law of motion, go!

    eta: vrrrpp

    wait a second

    you two are having matching attributes?

    ...see now despite being uninterested in love for myself (ahaha who'd bang a Typh*shot*) or for classmates' love (guys guys you're twelve stop fingering people (D8) and scaring me with domestic abusish dating shizzes) might I /just/ take this time to say?

    That is both incredibly adorkable and awesome :'D
    More of a Pokésona. I am a Wartortle (big surprise there, a hurr hurr) with larger than normal 'earwings' that are all feathery. Headgear ususally changes, but imagine a plaid-brown (or it's that too hard to draw, plain brown fed is a-okay) fedora, never really worn, more like held. Her skin's more indigo than normal too. Anything else is all you! 8D

    *squee* for Twin Scoot licking, I assume? :D
    This very obviously makes Moonay Travis. y/y?

    Huzzah! All is well and good.

    ...oh god I started drawing Cortz (the OC. Actually to make things easier: If you ever see me talking about a Cortz, or extemely rarely, a Madeline, I mean the Original Chara. If you see me talking about a Carlton, Lassiter, or more commonly Lassie, I mean the cop-guy I'm playing. And Al is errr Al :v) yesterday. At least her face/expressions. I'm in love with her googles, all red-tinted and stuff.

    I don't know how this happened, but you know the RED Spy, Rojo from Cuanta Vida? The new one with the radioactive green eyes? Yeah. I'm totally passing it off as her being around radioactive shizz when she was (coughdoingsciencefairstuffcough) tiny.

    AND ON A FINAL AND KIND AGAY NOTE oh god I love miss Kytri so much <3 http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/view/567489/
    Now while I know activity in Rise of Team Galactic is waning, I would still appreciate it if you looked over my second character profile and accepted/told me what I'm missing. I don't want to make my next IC post until it gets accepted.

    Granted, I'm probably fighting a losing battle, but I want to do whatever I can to keep the RP going for as long as possible
    WHAT NOT A PROBLEM she'll be a dude when the genderfucking comes around anyways

    And Al would like not change at all hurr

    Good then~ I'll mostly shoot you two (you and Blazhy) up for opinions on stuff and you guys can add rules, just run them by me first. You don't have to get it aprroved persay, but I'd kinda like to know what's going on o:

    Srsly? aaa I don't wanna trouble you but...how early can you get a Nidoran female? I'm curious since I have a sudden love of them alla sudden (I have a whole team of three guys and three girls, courtesy of Pokewalker) but if you can't get that, any female water type/ground type mon would be fine <3

    EDIT: It must be the marathon of con tapes I watches (quite a bit was anime, but a good deal was the USA Channel's Trip to Comic-Con (there was tapdancing involved)) but I lurked in the IM thread (how does an IM even wrok I don't even) and read your Skelitten romp.

    Your parts sounded, mentally, exactly like Vic Mignogna what
    YES GO BE A SCOOT <3 I was gunna ask you if you wanted to be one (a little suggestion with charas with fanon-based/loose personalities; as long as it doesn't clash too much with what little canon there is, go nuts <3 and in the case of scoot since they're multiple classes, he can be a sorta-oc c: I'm pretty lax on rules, just don't be a douche and you'll be fine)

    aaaa me neither but I have exams and i'm kinda waiting for my wife to come on regularly (hurr hurr we're playing characters from the same show and they're kinda Ho Yay-ish towards each other derp. When it comes to ships, just get the other person's permission and don't write hardcore smut or anything and go nuts.) andandand D: It won't be long though! Like after next week exams are done and the school year laxs out a lot, so this whole thing'll be up in late May/Early June. I need help typing this shizz up~ o:

    ..I obviously think about this rp too much but I personally think it's really awesome ;w; Sweet jebus I even had scenarios thought up involving Crazy Mad Scientist, Al, and Trigger-Happy CopMan but like you'd wanna hear my insane rambles.
    two words


    Since everything is split by days: (no-one in story knows this, they thnk random shit hasppens because shit happens) i.e Day 2 might be Genderbent Day and it might come up later, and stuff like that, I was thinking of doing something a bit longer, for at least two/three days.

    And then zombies came up. Specifically, the Infected.(Okay I know they're probably not zombies aaa I've never played it but I should)

    Moves and stuff (when I say moves, I mean stuff they'd prolly do; the trigger-happy copguy I play might headshot zombie and mow them down with his car, while the science nut might zap your shit) would be covered either by text (I plan to make a social group) or for drawing people, something with a templete similar to this for the lulz.


    Good for you two~ Okay so it took me a TF2 licking thinger to notice but like I said dense.

    Have you ever heard of Left4Dead? And do you remember that rp I'll make come summertime? (hurr hurr after several convos with Zora, my OC ended up being a Mememic Badass x3)
    So he went from fuckin' Kickapoo/With hunger in his heart./And he journeyed far and wide/To find the secrets of his art


    Also, ffs why am I so dim? D: Are you and Sable dating, perchance?
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