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  • I've already got sketches of the first two in my sketchbook.

    I wish I had a scanner so that I didn't have to photograph them

    Oh, and please complete the following phrase to prove that you are not a spambot:

    "I need a tight compadre who will teach me how to rock"
    hey FMC I've made the best grass starter since your weavebeavers

    it's a cacus-porcupine. the final evolution is named Saquarcuspine (shh I know it's longer than the games allow) and it has a humoungous cactus for a tail

    fail idea y/n?
    It's favorited because of that face. ;w;

    ...remind me to draw that sometime. After the exams ffff

    Well it's seems like you're enjo-*SHOT*

    Hurr. I'm pretty sure I'm straight but get into Les Yay situations a lot. And girls are kinda pretty. But then again it might have to do with the fact that a lot of guys in class/school/area are jerks so attraction not ~there~ Hurr it's awkward when you;re two years older than these punks and they're already making out and stuff while you're not interested over there in the slightest. In both genders. S' why I try not to think about it too often, I guess?
    *cries tears of 'this is the best thing ever what where did you find this <3'*


    ...is it wrong that as soon as I saw that Blu Engy's lost a hand and he said he'd make himself a new one, my mind went to fma and him having an automail hand? Don't deny that it would be awesome man

    On topic of sexuality, I'm not completely sure what the hell I am yet :v
    *honks FMC!bewbies*

    x33 I am the most perverted twelve-year-old I know.

    Man, if I was a girl though, I'd probably be lesbo. :3
    Why yes he is. I once drew Engy!Typh somewhere round here. It kinda fits, minus the whole South thing. And Bald of Awesome.

    Yes. But there are crazy ass fangirls like anything else so.
    you are very very welcome (although gear up for sobbbing if you get attacted argggh) >:3

    Yup! Jordi (BLU Spah) has massive Ho Yay with both Scoots <3 And there's an established Blu Sniper/RED but um.

    And in the beginning (you may already be there!) Spy molesting in the showers. Sorta.

    aaaaa i'll stop fangirling now; I have con tapes in another tab and focusing on that and this is not helping
    aaaa mine does too. I've played it a lot over at a friend's house, I am a good Snoipah~
    (have you ever read Cuanta Vida? It's a pretty cool Alternate Interpretation kinda thing, the art's nice, and it's pretty ghey.)

    Exactly! Did he not notice everyone on that list was a girl pervert :P

    Understandible, I suck at it too. People sometimes ask and I'm all like "uhhhh go draw moar, find your own style." I'll just admire from afar, then o:
    Srsly; you with your art-skills (and you play tf2? I really should stop being surprised by the general awesome of TCoD people but I don't man.) young lady. I mean I'm real mediocre and all but any chance I can st-errr borrow art skills? *shot*

    Disregard Green down there. No icky boys allowed in our orgy! D:<

    And on a more nerdy note; holy shit the harmony on this.
    aaaand i've been lurking around dat region

    ....unf it's amazing <3 Your art skills translate very well to Pokermahns, screw what that charizard guy says. harr harr in interest of conversation.

    (In other news, Apparently, me, you, my waifu, Zora and Sable are gonna have a fivesome.

    ...And it's completely Sable's fault, I swear (but a very funny mental image.))
    Dickweed? I like the word dickweed better, and that is totally a crazy awesome fanartist for a show I like's fault, hurr.

    Yes, yes he is. And the baby just... D8

    aaaa family member's gonna get himself kiiled

    and i'm worried again like an idiot
    My friend something pertaining to the anime:

    *imitating Mustang*

    "The animators love me because I never uncover my mouth when I'm talking."

    And yes, you are insaaaane. EdxWinry ftw, man.
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