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  • Hi. ^^ Um, I was wondering if you'd be submitting Raleem to the 'Dex registry? I just fell in love with the design and realized I needed to own one and name it Blitzen.
    Hello, Full Metal Cookies. <3 Your art is very cute. I wish I could draw, ha, ha! Practice makes perfect, but my art is to terribly out of proportion. I can't draw in any style. Anyhow, I hope things are great wherever you are. Have a nice night.
    Please, please please draw Ed and Roy singing Light My Candle. Actually, please cross over the characters of FMA with characters from Rent and draw all the musical scenes. I'd do it myself (have done it with other fandoms, with less-than-pretty results, it must be said), but I don't know the FMA cast well enough X3

    Aww, I've had fun telling people what gender anime characters are (and laughing at thier reactions). I got a friend of mine some Fruits Basket playing cards when I went to a con last month and another friend was absolutely baffled by them; "Is this person a girl?" "No." "How about this one?" "No." "This one?" "No, but he pretends to be!". XD
    Huur, I have to tell you this; I saw your new usertitle and my thought process was this: "Aww, she got rid of the Rent- oh, wait."

    You have excellent taste, my dear.
    Good, good :3

    Oh yeah, make sure to add base loaction, and where this RP takes place, real or fantasy world, also who's the leader and stuff.

    Uh-hu. Writing an application for it right now.
    Ah, okay. So that means you will put it back up again later?

    Yeah I know. One-liners, two-liners, they're poison to the RPG forum >_<

    In the meantime, I'll just add some stuff to my form :3
    Hmm... Well I need the name of the one for the episode that was on last night. I think it was that first one you mentioned, but I'm not sure.
    I'll look it up and see where I get though.
    I have a question.

    You wouldn't happen to know the name of the song that's the FMA opening theme, would you? Or is there like, more than one?
    Ooh, sounds cool :3

    Isn't it a roleplaying game? Not like the ones here though, you know what I mean.

    I'm too a dragonperson :D I like wyverns most though.
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