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Crazy Linoone
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  • Okay I have no excuse now I just tend to reply extremely slow to extremely long comments OTL;;

    I just don't notice the non-Asians because I never talk to them 8D; With the exception of a few, of course... But yeah, my class is dominated by Asians. The non-gifty classes are chock full of whites though.
    Well I played UU in 4th gen to get away from all the OP stuff, and this generation I've moved down to LU (Little/Lesser Used). Here's to moving down to NU in the next generation... Point is, there's less weather in the lower tiers because there's less stuff to abuse it/set it up.
    Well... I just have the food in my chopsticks, and when everyone's looking the other way, I slip it into my brother's bowl. There's nothing to it ;D I feel impolite too, but I think saving my stomach is better...
    Super cheap wrinkly old Asian ladies ftw o/\o It's totally worth being wrinkly if we're cheap!
    *places drinks as offerings* OTL OTL OTL
    I'd Google this infused-fruit-tea stuff but I'm too lazy. 8D And YES that's exactly what I'm talking about ;~; My God I haven't had that stuff in sooo long.
    Chicken hearts and duck gizzards and cow stomach oh my. White people should try that stuff. It's so good.
    Well, we do indulge in expensive-like-whoa food once in a while. Not often though.
    Yeah, the oven's hot enough to bake that stuff. Hell, you can even use a hair drier to bake the clay, so long as you're patient enough. Also I think my mom's been paranoid about using the oven ever since my brother used it to cook something and it got set on fire...
    ... I've never tried eating that. Hrml. I should try next time I make waffles...
    :D Glad to hear that~ But did you end up growing MUSCLES ON YOUR EYES HELL YEAH

    Also I TOLD YOU 8DDD IT'S SO GOOD damn I'm drooling now and I just ate something.
    What if there was tea inside but the spout was blocked and the lid was jammed and the tea couldn't ever get out otherwise?
    Continuing unaccompanied may present hazards. Perhaps you should incorporate that weapon into your possession.
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