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Crazy Linoone
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  • For a moment there you had me worried I'd forgotten to change Phoebe's HP at the end of the battle. Damn you Linooney. *shakes fist*

    Seriously though I had a feeling you'd win after you beat Sceratio with like >50% HP left. Blastoise closed the distance pretty well but it was still nowhere near close.
    Naw, I'm your neighbour in the south. It's a pretty relaxed time, this. But next month... hoo, boy, I'm screwed.
    Oh. Ah. I would, but it's 9:30pm here, and I have two reffings to finish... I'll see what I can do, though.

    We'd have to ask Negrek to clear up a few things, though.
    OKAY. PERFECT. Maybe the awesomesauce can randomly explode with awesome and contribute to another arena quirk?

    ...maybe we could get a volunteer? Since it isn't their Pokemon, they won't get the EXP, but they might get some sort of monetary compensation afterwards...? And it may or may not add to their battle limit?
    Awesomesauce (What about +1 Sp.Attack? AWESOMENESS OVERLOAD) (but that'd make it the counterpart of regular syrup and THE TWO ARE UNCOMPARABLE. Ugh this is hard.)
    Maple Syrup (speed +1? Sugar overdose = hyper = speed! Yes!) Perfect.
    Regular Syrup (But Regular Syrup is kinda icky compared to Maple (or so I've heard). Maybe +1 Attack to go with the others.) (Sounds good.)
    High Fructose Corn Syrup (deals damage)
    Butter (Uh... butter = slippery? Kind of? It could just be an arena quirk, I guess.) (sounds good)

    Don't worry. I'll be sniping from above.
    Well, if the ref controls them, then there might be some biases, and if the RNG gods control them, then I'm worried, it'll be too easy, you know?
    Awesomesauce (Or the awesome could blind the Pokemon and reduce accuracy!)
    Maple Syrup (speed +1? Sugar overdose = hyper = speed! Yes!) Perfect.
    Regular Syrup (...well. In that case, since we don't have anything that heals, this could be it, right?)
    High Fructose Corn Syrup (deals damage)
    Butter (Uh... butter = slippery? Kind of? It could just be an arena quirk, I guess.)

    Hmm... If that's the case, then we could always Teleport into some random inaccessible place, you know? And we could sit there laughing at them as they waste their energy.
    That aside, who's going to control the zombies? o.O
    Mm, okay~ Works for me! The acronyms work perfectly.

    We need something explosive in that list. Hmmm.

    List of Condiments and Effects:
    Awesomesauce (mandatory)
    Maple Syrup (speed +1? Sugar overdose = hyper = speed! Yes!)
    Regular Syrup (...what's the difference between this and maple syrup? OTL I've... never had any syrup aside from maple.)
    High Fructose Corn Syrup (deals damage)
    Butter (maybe this can be explosive butter! Or something!)

    I like the idea of a random Snorlax dropping in from nowhere (on top of the loser) and draining all the syrup, then getting incapitated somehow by the ref before it gets to the waffle.

    *snatches a multitude of daggers* We should ask Negrek if we could have a tag-battle against a never-ending supply of randomly-generated Pokemon zombies. And if we defeat 2 or more, then it counts as a win, I guess? Assuming we use two Pokemon, ourselves.
    Blah I swear I replied to this.

    Well, that's true. I think that boxes thingy will work better. :D
    Also, is it three-in-a-row with certain condiments (as in all three have to be chocolate syrup, or something), or does it just have to be laid down by us? If you know what I mean?
    5% damage sounds good.

    And that sounds amazingly epic. It could be like a tag battle against incredible odds! Or something!
    YES. IT'S DECIDED. We could always use Paint or something to play tic-tac-waffle. And say... their opponent gets 5% typeless damage, or something? Not too much, but still a pretty sizeable amount. Or your own Pokemon could heal 5% HP.

    Badass fashion? Like huge, flashy guns that shoot LAZORS? Awww, yeah.
    ...Linoone, you know what? I love that condiments idea. And! The Pokemon can be Jesus-like, so they can hover just above the condiments so they don't sink into syrup and get KO'd due to lack of air!

    ...I also like that idea. And if we have like a 3 vs 3, by the end there'll be like 6 Pokemon, 4 of them zombies!
    But then it'd be impossible to distinguish condiments from each other! :(

    Maybe their Sp. Attack boosts will reach OVER 9000!
    Maybe the condiments will randomly change very round! Just like on the jello arena!

    Yeah, zombie!~ ...but what effects will benig zombie have on your Pokemon?
    Waffle with ice cream! That slowly melts and makes movement rather difficult!

    ...yeah I don't know I'm just throwing ideas out here now
    Hrm... A tub of lard? Actually I don't think that'd be enjoyable. Ah... Yeah, I can't think of anything, because the stuff that I've recently eaten (ramen, jello), have already been used. OTL
    Hey Linoone :0 It just occurred to me that we've never gone a round in ASB! Do you want to have a quick 1-vs-1?
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