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Crazy Linoone
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  • Yes, worship me! *evil laughter* Even though I do not have access to ASBgodlightning but whatever.

    This is "chatting", which is one of the few things classified under "entertainment". Sometimes I view games as work, sometimes xD;

    Are you one of those few USians who have taste buds?

    Motherboards are too expensive. :(
    I am a God that takes a long time to type up arenas. *nods*

    Well, there's not a lot I don't classify as work xD; Drawing is work. Reffing is work. Etc. So when I don't have any "work", I'm bored out of my mind. Plus I'm a bit of a workaholic.

    Really? Whenever my cousins from the US visit, they don't automatically dive for the maple syrup or anything... Well I wouldn't know; I've used only maple syrup all my life.

    You have a brain? :( I envy you.
    No, it's not. But at least it's work. Work keeps me from getting bored.

    Yeah, I'm a total derp. OTL;;

    I thought we agreed on a random Snorlax dropping out of nowhere and squashing the loser...?
    Done the arena! Don't hesitate if you want me to edit something~ I'll be posting it in the Challenge Board in a moment.
    Well, kind of. Plus summatives.

    And oh God did I say south I mean north, north. 'M Canadian. OTL (has no sense of direction)

    Then it's set. ... *shot*
    Now I just need Quercus to evolve into Shiftry so I can give him a move mod turning him into Quercus Sonofabitch Alba.

    Sounds fun :3 Ace Attorney sig mods are always great. I may give Jean Armstrong the Happiny one where he freaks everyone on the arena out until they are driven to suicide.

    Metallica Fanboy and I are having an ambassadorial face-off between Quercus Alba the Seedot and Colias Palaeno the Butterfree. 'twill be epic.
    And out of interest what is the nature of this sig move?
    I love Kay and would totally marry her if she were real and if i weren't hideous.
    We should totally have an epic Kayduel between your Murkrow and my Sneasel sometime. Y'know, once I finish the millions of other battles I have arranged with people :/
    Yeah, you'd have been in serious trouble if his fishy wasn't paralysed for a round :p

    Holy crap that was a close match. o.O
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