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Crazy Linoone
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  • I reffed Jellobattle but TCoD had a tantrum during posting and it didn't bump the thread. Just letting you know.
    Also HAI LINOONIE~ Kehehe, just as planned~ ...imeanwhatplans
    It's just too bad I don't get to use Katsubousha. >: Officially most complicated Riolu in ASB fo sho.
    Maybe it was because the ASB gods missed. Or wait, who got fried again? Blastoise, Dragon...? Dragon was a ref then, and Blastoise is a ref now. :0 THE ASB GODS CAN PREDICT THE FUTURE. *ASBgodlightening'd*

    Dude, where did you get that? I've been looking all over for canned lightening! Gimme gimme *dangles $60 in front of your nose*

    Well looks like I really can't resist. Chances are I'll get a 25% Stockpile anyway. :D Otherwise... SOLARBEAM SPAM BLAGHHHH
    Ah, so that's why all the advanced-and-higher referees seem to be charred so often... *ASBgodlightening'd*

    Well CHINA IS BIGGER. So China wins :D Taiwan is part of China~ *Taiwangodlightening'd*

    That's true, but Kratos's Pokemon might not know Stockpile. Well, it's too bad that Spit Up got nerfed. Otherwise I could knock out one of Kratos's Pokemon every roound without the efforts of my other Pokemon.
    Exactly what I was trying to say. They CAN but they WON'T. So we never get what we want! NEVER. *ASBgodlightening'd*
    We seem to be ASBgodlightening'd a lot, don't we?

    It's literally been ages since I've been to China, though, so I can't really say either. And I think Taiwan counts...? *geographically challenged*

    Except for the fact that the Pokemon have unlimited energy so with the efforts of my other Pokemon, I could probably knock out one of Kratos's per round?
    And they never give us what we want! NEVER. *ASBgodlightening'd*

    Well, I've been to China. And it wasn't too bad. Aside from the omfg overcrowding and some sanitary issues.

    ...no that's so unfair.
    Yeah if they're in a good mood then it'll be a 2 in 100 chance, 'miright?

    LOOK THEY STILL HAVEN'T BEEN CORRECTED YET. *runs all the way to China*

    And guess what this means? EPIC COMBO ATTACKS.
    I'm currently in the process of printing the image now, so expect it in the next couple of days. I have some exams though, so it may be longer.
    Yeah but 'random' means that they have a 1 in 100 chance of getting something right- *shot*

    Well uh LOOK THERE'S AN ERROR IN THE PAYCHECK. *runs off even further*

    Alright~ And hey look I've just accepted an epic 4 vs. 4 double battle with Kratos using only fully-evolved Pokemon and unlimited energy :'D LET'S SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT.
    Yes! They could give us our own souvenir dice, or something! :D That shoot ASBgodlightning out of their dots!

    No, I didn't find her, but HEY LOOK MY PAYCHECK *runs off*

    Ahhh... :| I would if I wasn't already reffing a 3 vs. 3 vs. 3. And I'll probably be reffing a tournament battle in the near future. I have a slot left, but I'd prefer that to be a 1 vs. 1, since I'll have to ref that tournament battle fast.
    But it's tempting to avenge the tea. ;~;
    Yes! :D And they should be able to pray multiple times! So uh a Pokemon could get crit hax 50% of the time or freeze a Pokemon 100% of the time- *ASBgodlightning'd*
    And a small amount will of course go to us- *ASBgodlighning'd again*

    Yeah well you prompted me to tear down the bank... sort of...

    Aaand there goes $60~ Thank yew~ *worships*
    X3 oh god black hood's wearing a kilt. It was meant to be a hoodie but I'm sure he'll see the funny side of it.

    Yeah, I may go for traditional with thid by printing it out because I haven't done any digital art in a long time. Plus it seems like a really cool thing to do.

    waaait, i just noticed myself. There is a problem, remember New Look 2010? Is there any chance that can be changed? If not I'll just have to go digital.
    Actually I'd prefer to stay an athiest, but if the RNG gods demand my loyalty then how can I object? :'D
    The Shrine of RNG gods should totally sell hold items, body modifications, and move modifications that act the same as Serene Grace or Super Luck. And they should stack.

    You'll have to help me, though. And don't say you won't because if you don't the refs will never be paid again. *doom music*

    Uh also, do you happen to have 3 EXP to spare from your Pokemon? The tournament's coming up and I want Ventus to be a Swellow for the battle, but I'm one EXP short. So if you could condense 3 EXP into a Rare Candy for me then I'd worship you forever. On top of giving you... say, $60 for the Candy?
    Well then, all the more reason for her to cooperate with our shrine-building efforts, amiright?

    Uh go ask Negrek? :'D
    Maybe I can pull Negrek out of the rubble and ask her to threaten people with ASBgodlightning too get money for the shrine.

    Uh... UH... After I get my paycheck? :'D *runs away again*
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