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Crazy Linoone
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  • They taste like a cross between chicken and fish, to me. Which is already awesome by my books.

    *sends out Khao* FLAMETHROWER GOGOGO
    Frogs :D Do you actually eat them? They're amazing~ I usually get weird looks when I say I like to eat frogs, though.

    My mom keeps the matches hidden away from me because I'm a pyromaniac and she's worried I'll set the house on fire.
    The frogs won't give me a chance to escape. They're merciless.

    Do you have a can of frog-icide, by any chance?
    Buh moving this to VM because the PM is stretching my screen. A lot.

    I have but one keyboard :0 Which sucks, because then I don't have a backup in case this one fails.

    Yes, what. The frog jumped out of the nine-inch hole in my keyboard.
    It sure would be nice if you could comment on my signup for darkness rising, so that I can either start posting, or fix something up..
    If anything, I should be thanking you, since you're... well, drawing this for me, to be blunt.

    Oh yah, Blazhy just posted his/her reference in the OS, in case you didn't already see.
    hmm... that sounds okay. Anyway, you're drawing it so it's not like it's gonna fail. c:

    Ahah, that's me and Jord (Black Hood)
    Um, It's somewhere on dA, but I can't fetch a link because I'm using my DSi browser. I can get it for you tomorrow or you can go to my dA page, look for Blazhy and find it in his/her gallery.
    Sure you can tweak things a little, what do you have in mind?

    A list of the OSsers involved and where they are, although Spaekle is in the HOWSE, Typh is on Blazhy and Arylett is riding Salamander, who has grown huge and sprouted wings.
    A Diagram of where they all are, though Ice and Zora are missing because I drew the HOWSE too small.
    Typh riding Blazhy, with reins.
    Danni, Vlad and Kinova riding Spoon.
    A majority of the OSsers in the HOWSE, you fighting Spaekle for the robe and Ice almost losing his DS.
    FMC struggling to fly with Black Hood.

    Any questions, feel free to ask.
    Okay then, thanks. I'll get on my laptop and show you the images. I'll find references sometime after.
    Heeeey, Linooney.
    Listen, I've been planning another OSsers group picture, and it's looking great so far, but I'm not confident in my ability to draw it. I was wondering/hoping that if I gave you my sketches, you would be able to draw it?
    Don't feel inclined to if you can't/don't want to, but you've drawn at least two group pics before and they're absolutely smashing.

    HAPPY 2010
    How on earth did I forget to wish you a Merry christmas I'm really really sorry happy boxing day.
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