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Crazy Linoone
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  • :000 That explains everything! I'll salvage what money I can from the ruins of the Bank to build the shrine.

    And uh I'll pay you back eventually :'D
    I do recall The Boss Lady getting beaten by Kusari on one occasion, and Kratos is in the lead right now in that one battle I'm reffing. So I think she's beatable :D
    not by me though OTL

    And I owe myself over $700. This sucks.
    There's that! :DDD Though the two conditionals thing still sucks.

    "Level i Flare--" "Not heeerrrrreeee --"

    And there goes the Bank.
    How much you want to bet that I'll get decimated? :'D

    Well yeah I'm breakable but at least I can FIRE MAH LAZOR BLAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!1!!!1one!!
    WELL YEAH UH Let's see how well I do against Negrek. OTL only 2 conditionals whry

    No, instead, my armour/scales/whatever is cracking because stell in cold weather = uh-oh.
    Well, since Dwaggers posted her commands (and will probably get utterly annihilated), I guess it's safe to tell you. Basically, Focus Punch, Focus Punch, and dodge and attack Faint Attack. MWAHAHA LOOPHOLE YAY though admittedly Darkrai would still probably get some damage BUT WHAT OF IT. >:D
    *ahem* sorry post-studying insanity.

    Suddenly I feel very, very stiff.
    Well then *giggles evilly and tackles again*

    And damnit I wish I was reffing your simulaton :( I love exploiting loopholes in commands, and I've found one in yours, but for the sake of the battle I'll keep my mouth shut.

    I do think those are my melting scales. Quick; get a mechanic D:
    Ah, then it's no wonder. xD Though if you have any questions later, feel free to ask~

    Oh oops D: Did I fracture any bones?

    Considering the fact that the liquid is silvery and shiny... no, it's not alright.
    Actually, it's true that you can only fight Arceus on Insta-Death. And uh, well, originally we made it that Legendaries could only be fought on a certain difficulty but we scrapped that idea. It looked really unorganized without the defaults, though, so we were like "pfff" and kept it like that.

    Ah, I think you did misread. I always mention however many Pokemon the challenger may use first. So, Normal would be that you use two Pokemon, and you fight one Legendary. ...Is that why you thought that the simulations would be so difficult? xD;

    LINOONE I LOVE YOU except not. *tackles anyway*

    And uh thanks :'D Fixed~

    Yes, you definitely should! You could keep them in uh your beret or something (how do you spell that I keep forgetting).

    And I'm part Steel too. :<
    e_e I swear my temples pulsed painfully when I saw this. Anyway~

    We already ran some tests before we set up the business. Dragon beat Easy quite... well, easily, and I could take down a Normal legendary with only a bit of trouble. Granted, we conjured Pokemon out of nowhere, so they were fully evolved, but I don't imagine there'll be too much of a difference. ...the percentages do look scary, though, you're right :| I'll negotiate with Dragon to see if we can lower it to 150% (though still, it won't be that hard).

    There's also the fact that you can choose who to fight, though. So, say, you want to train an Ice type - Lapras, let's say? Obviously you'd choose Rayquaza. Or if you want to train a Dark type, you'd choose some Psychic type. The health and energy stuff is sorta meant to offset that.

    Normal is essentially 2 of whichever Pokemon you want vs. 2 of whatever Legendary you chose, though, percentage-wise. So frankly that's about fair, isn't it? Hopeless is... e_e Eeee. We tried to beat a Hopeless Rayquaza, but we only got it down to approximately... 70% to 100%, I forgot. And I was lucky because I was using a Pokemon with Counter weak to Earthquake. Though the EXP gain is rather large, so I'm not quite sure just how much we should reduce it by. 275% seems like the very least.

    Aaa, I made the arenas so that they could benefit the battler or harm the battler, or just with gimmicks people could use if they were feeling clever (though I'm not sure if the same could be said for Dragon cough). You have the option of battling on a boring field with no extra effects, though. As for damage caps, well, same goes the other way around. A Rayquaza could Hyper Beam you thrice, but you could Blizzard it thrice, or something. After our tests, I concluded that this is more or less all-out sweeping, and well, with damage caps, it would really suck because then there'd be basically no way to defeat the Hopeless legendaries, assuming each Pokemon hits the cap every round. Same goes for the Easy legendaries.

    I guess it's just the fact that the percentages look deceiving - all the simulations are quite winnable, provided you've got a certain amount of skill, except Hopeless, which is, as you put it, like insta-death. Also, I don't think you're doing too bad in your battle with Kratos :0 He's a tricky opponent, that's for sure, but there ain't nothing epic-combo attacks cannot solve. *evil laughter*

    I guess it's, like you said, the high prices :< $10 for like what 2 EXP, was it? Though actually, you could turn that 2 EXP in to Lacuna for $20... huh.

    Dragon 'n' I are patient :3 At least I think we are. We should be able to make it. I still don't get economy stuff, though; that's what you get for staying at home all day and never listening to the news radio, nor watching TV OTL I need to get out more.

    And that's where EXP Shares kick in, I'm assuming? :0 But like I said before, people can actually choose who to fight, so it's all good, methinks.

    Well, sure, but I advise that you invest in wings in the near future. They're quite handy. *flies over hole and gets blasted by lava*
    o.O I found it kinda ironic how you said your brain started melting after the wall of text, yet you just typed up an entire wall of text. But no matter. xD I appreciate your input~

    Yes, I guess I should move it closer to the top. Gotta cunsult with Dwaggleton ._. The prices are very tricky, though; I'm too tired to think of them now OTL

    And well, Lacuna makes it so that you can only transfer 1 EXP per 3 EXP, so I figure an EXP share would be much more efficient. Thing is, our services do give more EXP than the average battle, so I thought that would attract people too... Bah I seem to 'think' a lot of things.

    I think the Registration Office sells a bunch of stuff mainly because they're mandatory for evolution. And... well, Kusari-Mart just because the items are awesome.

    Yes, I get the impression that ASBers here are patient, with the exception of a few... >.< ... >.> ... <.< I won't mention any names. I'll consult with Dragon, I guess. I don't want those $40 to go to waste (even though technically I don't need a lot of money haha)

    Thanks for your opinion, Linoone~ I'm absolutely hopeless when it comes to economy stuff OTL I'll die when I grow up.

    Well, why can't we wait until the stomach acid burns through the floor and eventually into the earth's core, where it will just vaporize? And then we can just patch up the hole. :D
    Yeah, it's mentioned at... the very bottom of the 1st post. OTL
    Yes, that's certainly true... However, we kinda need it to make some sort of profit. After all, we'd definitely get more money for reffing normal battles, anyway. So the high prices are tough, but... :|
    Lacuna Labs? How so? :0

    Oh, boy. Quick! Janitor!
    Thing is, you get to battle legendaries :0 Actually, I thought it'd work because the battles get picked up straight away. People can be impatient about getting their battles picked up.

    *barfs all over the floor* I think that worked :'D
    *shrug* I thought it'd be a pretty nice thing - hey, easy EXP, right? - but I think the prices are too high :|



    *chokes on a shard of glass*
    But I'm already part of an ASBusiness ._. Admittedly it's not going well BUT HEY. WHO CARES.

    ...rather. :'D
    Indeed. Hey you should make an ASBusiness that specializes in barbecued frogs :D

    Oh. Uh. *coughs up a bottle that is half-corroded with acid*
    Hey, Linoone, been a while.

    Soo, anyway, I hoped I could maybe ask you for a favor.

    Well, here it is: I wondered wether you could reff my battle against psymon.
    *Totally not pointing out that I reffed your battle with Psymon and am currently E-reffing your battle with KQ*
    *chews a femur*

    Hot-sauce D: I can't stand spicy things. Unless it's curry, in which case it's all good.
    *swallows the awesomesauce whole*
    *burp* I just happened to have some chicken for dinner. No fish, though.

    Save me a bottle of awesomesauce.
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