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Crazy Linoone
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  • Before I approve your purchases in the registration office, I would give serious consideration to glancing back over the last few pages and counting just how many Swablu and Shroomish have recently been purchased.
    *begs not to be killed*
    I'd like to say Im afraid I won't be able to create your wanted reffings in time. I started writing round 4, but today was a REALLY busy day and tomorrow is too. So, umm, Im afraid you have two choices:
    a) go with an emergency referee that will need some time.
    b) Wait till tomorrow for a (somewhat) crappy reffing made by me which will(hopefully) satifisy you and psymon.

    Sorry for the trouble,
    Lars(A.K.A. Tutu, Gorda, Leaf, Grora, Larry, Stealy, Megamo, and many more)
    I wanted to tell you the reason Im lagging behind wih the reffing(although it's been only 2 days since you posted) because Im trying to do a refing that will be possibly detailed(like the one for round 2).
    Want to come on MSN then? Maybe we can come up with a nice little RPG. Though, I've been lazy lately when it comes to TCoD...

    Idea: All water attacks are made of liquid Jello.


    So, something like this?

    Blue Raspberry- Defense
    Strawberry-Special Attack
    Lime-Special Defense
    It is delicious, if nonsensical.

    Ooh, ooh, like cherry is +attack, or maybe it causes burns? Or it could boost fire-type attacks...
    I have to disagree with you on that. Cherry is second only to blue raspberry.

    Tell you what, one side can be my choice of flavor, and the other can be your's.
    At some point in the distant or near future, would you be interested in an ASB battle on a Jello Square of Gigantism? I'm full right now, but one of my battles should be removed from the board soon.
    I prefer NorwayxDenmark, probably because Norway and Iceland are brothers which makes NorwayxIceland slightly creepy imo XD
    Some things make me go "aww that's adorable", but I rarely squeal at stuff XD

    LietxPoland is another one of my favourite pairings, I can never decide which one I like better out of that and LiexRussia. RussiaxAmerica is also growing on me, I think I ship my favourite characters too much :P
    Thank you!

    I -almost- squealed when I saw it on the LJ Hetalia community. LietxRussia ia one of my favourite pairings <3
    It must be a.. a... a magic barn O: *Gasp* I BET THERE ARE UNICORNS AND DRAGONS INSIDE~

    Gryaah stupid hands, I'm just making them worse by continually tweaking at them~ This is the one time when lineless kinda sucks uck looks defoooooormed.
    I usually don't do trades either but FMC is nice and cool and awesome and patient. >: I did tell her not to draw me anything till I finish though cause I knew this would happen~

    And I knoooooow I scrap so so so so so many drawings because I can't translate them to paper/screen~ ><; Stupid mind-hand coordination.
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