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Crazy Linoone
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  • Someone set us barn up the bomb >:

    Gackt I've spent half an hour on drawing two hands ;-; Look how slow and unawesome I am, I'm keeping up the art trade it's for with FMC. D:
    I feel like drawing a Linoonie after too maybe I can be done in like a year or fifty
    O: Missing my un-awesome is like missing the side of a big red barn with grafitti tags reading "DWAGIE IS STOOPID". With a smartbomb. Also my consistent taking-far-too-much-time-ness.
    Hooray for friendslistiness~ :>
    I feel like I don't talk to you enough ((or at all)) for all the awesome you have to offer. >: Would you mind if I added you on MSN/TCoD Friend/Both/Something some time by chance? :3;; Despite me being a grossly un-awesome RioWuff.
    Heeeey~ x-x I just want to apologise for the ASB reffing lateness, I haven't forgotten~ Eeeee just life crap... I plan to have to typed out tomorrow though, I really hope anyway... Such the irony this happens after I do like 3 pages in a night super fast keyboard banging a-go-go ack ><''''''

    ......By the way Kali is very very right you need a Kaivatar :3 JOIN THE UPSIDE-DOWN GREMLIN FORCES. Even the leader of the anti-goblin movement is now a goblin, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE~ ((That leader being Mike by the way, but I don't think he has a cause, he just likes being difficult~))

    Um, just checking in with you about our ASB battle. :o Have you forgotten about us, or are you taking your time and Dragon should shut up now or be bricked because she is incredibly impatient and should use more punctuation cos this is getting too long aaaaargh

    I'll go away now. :<
    :p What, the Avatar? If you want one, talk with Kai ;)

    Bwahahaha... soon we will rule the board.. and then, the world! Muahahahaha!
    That would be awesome. You should do it :D Especially if your avvy and sig are your work ^^

    My mistake looked a bit bigger before I realised you used TWO Tri Attacks and not one. I thought "36% from one attack crud WHY didn't I use a conditional", then I wondered what your first attack was and it seemed less daunting. Still should've done it though.
    A Totodile using Surf with pie filling is among the most awesome things I've ever envisioned. :D

    I apologise in advance for any more monumental screw-ups in the tea battle, by the way. I've a feeling there will be many :3
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