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  • It's a typing thing; psychic resists psychic (mewtwo), dark is immune to and super-effective at psychic (darkrai), and is only neutrally effective against ghost/dragon (giratina). It's just... a very risky thing and I don't think it'll work out. :/

    EDIT: Oh, okay. My offer is still open though!
    DarkAura could you switch from your ralts? She's probably just going to get herself killed (no offense it's just typing) so maybe you could just select a non-psychic from my unused ones!
    Lol California
    Good touch to say the least.
    My kitty is Bella. She likes to meow. And sleep on the car and slide on the windshield of it. It's quite amusing, actually.
    Okay, let me rephrase that whole thing so you get it when you get back on.
    You said you were making a banner.
    I suggested putting some of the video game character Link on there, like the one from LoZ.
    Make sense now?
    Bai bai. *Waves*
    Oh, God, ain't that the truth. There's a lot of unnecessary crap just sitting around on it. I mean, honestly. :/
    ...I see...
    *ahem* Anywho.
    Do you think it will ever get back to how it was? Truthfully answer me.
    Was the rhyme from earlier by yours truly? I seriously need to re-read the roleplays at BG.
    Done. Also, quick question about a RP I shamelessly stalked.

    As said by DarkAura in some Roleplay,

    ""Oh, nono nono, much more than that. Not time and space, but immortals and mortals collide." Soprano told her. Did no one but her know about tides of times?"

    Awfully similar to my fanfic, no? XD
    I'm not good at giving criticism
    but anyways

    AND A CHEREN THAT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE CHEREN (cheren doesn't have blue hair...)
    I don't see too much scenery...and I swear, I saw that tall grass thing in a YouTube vid.
    But it's oddly charming to me. d:
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