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  • userbar is done
    ...I think it's over now, but there was a random sludge monster. In the silence game. And now they're everywhere. We need help to find and kill them.
    "PPPPPPeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooppppplllllllllllee! Request!"

    From your sprite shop.

    I learned from experience that begging will not make people request.

    I know how annoying it is for no one to come, but it'll only make them go "hm, this person is being an all around pain in the neck!" Unless you're an exquisite spriter, I guess, but... still. Sometimes people just don't want or need sprites, and you have to think "Well, I can't force them."
    No, I don't understand what you said.

    I was thinking more along the lines of Littlestream allowing you to awaken madly close to us, and then you walk right to us (maybe like say "Vesta glanced up at the screen, and saw a news reporter stating that someone called Saito was staying in the Pokémon Center of Goldenrod. Then, a video was displayed; who was that girl with Vulpix skin following Saito into the room..? Blazaria! Ciara! Mitch!")

    Or something.
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