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  • i was thinking of just basing it off of the request you put in lux's shop, so which would you prefer?
    psst if you want, i can make your banner for the time paradox PMD thinger
    Haha, even though I'm a ref I sort of know that experience myself; currently I have $7 which is almost the same. ^^;; Could I have a female poochyena, named Nymeria, with quick feet? Thanks!
    No. This is the last time I talk to you. And you have hurt my feelings. Count yourself off my friends list.
    On my one-shot, you called me a "n00b" and told me my writing was that of a first-grader just starting to like Pokemon. I'm sorry, I just won't take this. Please apologize.
    Yeah, just wanted to get this out of the way.

    The only people in the carnival are the Carnies.

    The kidnapping people's don't give a shiz about us, so yah, just wanted to throw that out there.
    ...I dunno. 0.0
    Anyone here that reminds you of SV?
    Btw, I think I'm gonna join the birdie RP. Thoughts?
    Yes, yes, I love thinking about it.
    Though it's undeniably dead now.
    I remember staying up all night to reply to someone that was RPing with me.
    What good times. :3
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