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    Damn, that sucks. Don't you keep your clothes in your room then?


    It's pretty neat, actually. It lets you make flipbook-style animations really easily.
    AHALOL wait wut?

    Don't wear them then. Wear something else. It's only for a picture, after all.

    Wait, Dragon is weak against ice? *facewall* WHY DID I NOT SEE IT BEFORE!?!

    (i've been using a little dsi app called hatana flipbook, and i'm getting good at using it. i think)
    But I don't have to follow them NaNo rulezzz

    SO THAR.

    But wait, what makes me a rebel, anyway? o.o I mean, reffings could be considered Pokemon fanfiction kinda sorta maybe sometimes, right?
    AHALOLWUT sounds better IMO.

    Well, if the pic doesn't exist, why not take a new one? Do you have a camera?

    It's pretty cold now, yeah. I like the cold, though.

    No, I thought that you were going to show me a photo of yourself or something, before your internet died.
    :c i was expecting you to message me yesterday

    Search google for (jeremy clarkson 2 december 2007 hoodie) and you'll find the article that made my day.
    I suppose so, yeah.

    I'm finding that much of my time nowadays is spent waiting for stuff to happen. Most of the time, it takes longer than I wait for it.
    Yeah, I feel sorry for you and your loss. I had a pretty awesome Yellow and that managed to get itself lost.
    Yup. I had a game on it before. But It's old and I think that he'll enjoy playing it more than I will. Besides, HGSS soon.

    Hehe, the elite four taken down by a Bellsprout. :D

    He's called it May.
    It's a working copy, surprisingly. He has to play it on my N64 because my cousin has my GBA. But It's nice.

    I'm getting him to catch a Bellsprout.

    I've got my little brother to stat playing Gold. It's nice to see him enthusiastic about it.
    yaay internet candy! I can't wait to take a "byte" out of these. ;D

    Modern English names, eh? Try James, Mark, Mike, Tom and Edward.
    Thank you~

    Yes they do. Two years ago I caught one on Haloween. Put Trick-or-treating plans to a halt. :(
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