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  • You're back? What? I had written you off.

    Guess what I did today! I watched Digimon X-Evolution with my shiny new headphones. Best thing I ever watched. :o I'm gonna get Exo into it, too, since I've been speaking with him. I'll use the "100% Pure Condensed Awesome" line.

    Anyway, what happened? Internet fail?


    Seriously, you have to use this as your profile pic.

    Also, listening to it some more, I was right about both lyrics from before. So unless you've got the lyrics from an official source, I have at thee.
    Well, it's a spin-off thing to it, right? So does it have to be 100% accurate...?

    ... *uses Foresight*
    Oh, I'm listening to Winterborn right now, and I think I know where I got screwed up! Earlier on, there's a line that I'm certain is "And promise me they'll never see, the fear within our lives," so I could have mixed them up.

    As for the second... it sounds like both depending on which version I'm listening for. D: I'm kind of leaning towards "Discard regret" even though I still think it doesn't sound right.
    We did that a long time ago. We can't agree on anything, remember? :D

    Also, you're invited to Paintbrush's funeral. Mike will also be attending.
    There will be cake.
    I don't know about the first one (you're probably right, though), but your version of the second is grammatically incorrect, and thus I reject it. Had you said "Discard regret, as in his death, a better world is made," I might have thought about it, aside from the fact that the "and" was fairly pronounced. (And my version sounds cooler.)

    And promise me they'll never see, the tears within our lives (my eyes are closed)

    Actually, that is one of the best lines, along with "The scars are fresh, and in his death, a better world is made," but different strokes for different... fangirls.
    Eep D': I'm only done about 1k *shakes fist at writer's block* What a convenient time for you to drop in >.>

    Oh, yes, TVtropes. I can be proud to say I've only wasted about 2 hours there thus far :D

    Aw damn, then, see ya like... sometime this week?

    ...Even if they give you bloody deer steaks?
    I will make this sacrifice, for I am winterborn

    Sorry I went offline for a bit. Speak of the devil, I had to do homework.

    You must perform my sacrifice, and I am winterborn

    I don't have time for NaNo. I've got too much school (it's my life now >>;), and the premise for my fanfic still isn't fully formed. I just need to figure out how to start it...!

    Butbut PMD2. D: You won't regret it if you do get it. And you still haven't gotten KSSU. YOU'RE FALLING BEHIND, DRAGON

    Ohoh there's also Digimon World: Championship. I wouldn't recommend it, per se, but it might be worth a try for you.
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