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  • I see you've finally given way to my subliminal message. *Winterborn*

    Totally unrelated, but have you gotten Explorers of Sky like you said you might? I have, and, as expected, it is nothing short of awesome. A nice improvement on Time and Darkness (even though I prefer their opening :<).

    I need a new avatar. EDIT: Nevermind. :D
    D: Say whut?

    Quick! Call the redundant department of redundancy! Exclamation mark!

    *IKEA staff pour out from nowhere and start beating you with brooms*

    Yeah, it's a paradox. Cower before its unprecedented terror!

    Maybe I'll just extend my arcane mechanical-dragon powers to extend a day by a few hours. >:D More time to type - and more to sleep, if I have nothing better to do.
    Blazhy used Nasty Plot! :0
    I always want to challenge you in ASB, but you're always banned from challenging. :P

    What's up?
    Heyyy! That was meant for IKEA's $1 breakfast >:( Pay up.


    Orly? ACTUALLY?! *attempts to click broken link but fails*

    Butbut then I'll fail and then my Asian parents will be all "D:<" and I'll die! ;-; And you don't want that, do you? Because I'm actually considering taking that battle between you and Heavy Lobster, now that Metallica Fanboy vs. Kam is more or less done.


    ...And that link just led to this page that said my library session had expired, so...
    *somehow turns into scrambled eggs* Nooooooooooo D':

    Yes. Other intangible things! IT WAS A ROYAL GUMMY.

    Ah, I missed an s >.> It was an honest typo. And noooo why not D': Not even to your best mechanical dragon friend? (what do you mean you only have one mechanical dragon friend)

    Yeah, you've told me that much, but I'm still curious as to how the whooole thing works xP I think I might look it up, or try to hunt it down in the library. Blazhy liekz violence~

    I usually balance 4, though nowadays I find myself swamped in work >.> I should cut back on some stuff, shouldn't I?
    And is that the only reason why you want me as a ref? D': Because I'm fast and you'll get experience? DON'T YOU THINK MY REFFINGS ARE AWESOME- *shot*
    NOOO DRAGON HOW COULD YOU *melts in a puddle that slowly creeps away*

    Well, I'd go for Hunger Game, because 1) I don't really know what it is but I want to, so I'd definitely read your NaNo novel, and 2) you don't have to think as much :D And since there are only two days left...

    Ayup - that's why I'm planning to balance around... 5 or 6 battles at once? Damn, I'm going to die though because battles are long-term commitments and aughhh >.> BUT I'M DOING IT ANYWAY. Hopefully Negrek gets around to looking at our business though, because those should go faster than regular battles considering only one person needs to give their commands.
    Psst I'll go ref your battle with Heavy Lobster if nothing else catches my eye ;D I'm pretty sure you're tired of me reffing all your battles heh.
    Well... well... don't tell them? :V

    Yeahhh~ I am EPIC. *strikes a pose and epic BGMs start*
    But anyway, have you planned out your story for NaNoWriMo yet?
    Thank you~

    Yeah, I've posted a few. Ggo to Hatena.com and search for Kai. You'll know which one is me.
    Okay then. But do you still think you could dig about for an old picture? I don't wanna wait for 6 months. :c

    You can do that on pictochat, but hatena flipbook makes it waaay easier and lets you save them. and post them on the internets.
    But I could not include the commands and arena descriptions and all that shit so it wouldn't be ASB format anymore, so thar >:U
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