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  • Yep
    AND Parasimon AND uh the other one what the hell was it um um um Vademon oh yeah.

    Am I better than you yet?
    I know; I know.

    Alls long as I generally get the gist of it I should be fine. I have actually played Gold before, but not for ages, so meh. We'll see how it goes.

    I got like 1000 from MoonMilleniummon, but that's like a tenth of what Devimon needs and I am NOT going to go kill 1250 Pagumon, screw that.
    But what :3

    Also my Wizardmon and Devimon are never gonna evolve there's nowhere I can get any decent Dark EXP oh woe is me
    I bet almost everyone's clambering for that reward. It's gonna be an epic free-for-all! >=o

    Well yeah, but it only said that she and Music Dragon aren't eligible for ASBer of the Year. Didn't say anything about Best Referee, although yeah, that would be pretty unfair.

    Wouldn't Most Epic ASBer be something close to ASBer of the Year, though? :| How about the most epically failed strategy? *pokes Fubuki's Spikes*
    Sure. :o
    I think Crusadermon is the prettiest transvestite (if his get-up counts) there will ever be. X3
    Yes. :3

    Didn't the lack of breasts give it away, or what? When I first saw Crusadermon, I knew he was male; in fact, I was surprised (well, you know what I mean) when I found out he was female in the dub.
    Uh, well, yeah, but I was talking about Crusadermon; did you get them confused?
    Hm, I suppose they are, somewhat. Buuuuut, they contributed much to the overall epicness of the video, so that makes up for it. If only the 3D Digivolution scenes were of that quality.


    Ah, yeah. Blazhy will be fine. I should really get a new online alias, shouldn't I?

    I've got my eye on Best New ASBer too >=| Fierce competition, I see, hahaha!

    I bet Negrek or Kratos is going to get the Best Referee, though. Or at least some other elite referee and not us puny advanced referees ;~;

    You were the person who made the Holon Field arena, right? I think I'm voting for that as best arena. It's the sole reason I took that battle. Good luck to you :)

    Well, what with all the ASBers out there, unless you've been in the league for a long time, I doubt your chances of winning any award are anything more than slim. But I'm not giving up! Watch out, world - *shot*
    Ohhhh. x>

    It wasn't bad...! Some of the idiots didn't bother, others got an evil eye, and some...transfeeered~

    Oh and we did LAB SCIENCE ahahaha i played mythbusters in skool o:
    I'm bored. And I have no-one to talk to. D:
    Anyway, do you have your eye on any of those ASB awards? I know I do.
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