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  • Oh yes, I have. Heheh, snap. Yes.
    Sorry if I freak you out sometimes, I have a tendency to be verrry morbid.

    Oh yeah, I remember looking through all the bank accounts, and I think my jaw touched the floor when I saw Kratos's account. I never thought it was possible to save up that much.

    I kinda do, too, but the Sableye can wait. I've seen Sableye used in some craaaazy awesome ways, though. *pokes battle between Negrek and moon-panther*
    I'm no longer in contact with third grade, since I'm in a middle school with grades 5th-8th. Maybe you should try talking to them? X3 Unless you mean all of the boys period are in third grade, which doesn't seem possible. Or just stick with this forum.

    TOTALLY UNRELATED but I've been searching around this site for some good/appropriate Japanese names for my (human) characters in the aforementioned Digimon fanfic I'm working on. Honestly, it'd be so much easier to stick with American names that I'm familiar with, but that would sap the Digimon feel. Even the dubbed version keeps at least some of the characters' original Japanese names.

    And I just saw a commercial for excrement enlargement.
    I just prefer no damage cap and no healing stuff because that allows for more action and carnage! Yes, carnage! Carnageee

    Uhm, any Pokemon you want? Items? Actually, once you've gotten the Pokemon you want, there really isn't much you can spend :/ Fortunately for me, I love a buncha Pokemon, so I've still got a ways to go.
    I can only draw some Pokemon. D:

    With the girls at my school, you either have to have already known them to know they're into Pokemon (most of which will *claim* that they aren't so into it anymore), or I'm assuming drag it out of them, seeing as none of them talk about it. The boys, on the other hand, talk about it frequently amongst themselves and play it at lunch. At said lunch, I'm always eavesdropping on their conversations (because, conveniently, the girls I sit with sit at the same table that said boys sit on the other end of) and occasionally join in. Both parties give me strange looks when I do.

    And that's probably for the best; memes are the vermin of the internet.
    A tag battle is a -bit- like an epic free-for-all, right? :o But eh, double battles are chaotic enough.

    Easy crap is fun to ref, though. No damage cap, no healing health/energy. Fast-paced crap gogogo!

    I only have $64 at the moment :/ I splurge too much. Actually, I'm tempted to splurge right now. *pops off to the registration office*
    Yeah. Like a miscarriage.

    I made a stencil for my art project today. I haven't spray painted it yet, but I hope to tomorrow.
    It's horrible. Look at it. Admittadly is pose is kinda cool, but otherwise... bleh.

    I downloaded the Rom.
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