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    oh wait i'm depressed.

    I'm sure that the Arceus event will be in NA and the UK at some point.
    *mimes Omni-Shield* *splat*

    Ooooh, someone updated the Royal Knights page. :o *runs off*
    :o Do you share your school with elementary students or something? I can usually nab a computer at my library, but they use internet explorerrr D': I want mah Operah.

    I noticed. I've been stalking Serebii too.

    Oh yeah, you need a Kyogre and a Groudon from HG/SS for it to work. Maybe if you got one and I got the other we could use WiFi and get Rayquaza each.
    Oh yeah. :o Good unthinking, Dragon! But I think the internet is a bit too ambitious, and the RP board is a bit too small. I know; we don't try to dominate anything yet. We'll start by... being evil. Without being mean. :o YES! We shall CAPTURE the very ESSENCE of EVIL whilst under the cover of EPICNESS and RESPECTABILITY! Perform good deeds while laughing maniacally! I NO LONGER HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Cattle! Gain! Win! DOES NOT COMPUTE BUT IS STILL EPIC!

    So yeah.
    Pokemon is overrated too, what with everyone being into it. Does that make it bad? Besides, I'm the Big Bad around here.

    I know! How about TCoD domination?

    Whatever we decide to call our organization, it must have my name in it somehow. And it must create an image of evil. :o
    I wasn't actually talking about a Team Evil from Pokemon; more, just your generic, evil organization, completely series-indifferent. Should follow TVTropes Law in regard to rank.

    Er... LET'S START RECRUITING NOW! But, what about our motives? World domination sounds like fun. Ruling through fear, enslaving the human race, all that good stuff. Thoughts?

    Twilight. >< Unfortunately, all my friends are into Twilight, so there isn't much I can do about it. But, it's impossible to like absolutely everything about a person.

    I hope you realize I am the Big Bad. I would never put you in a position higher than my own. XP

    ... I want my own evil organization now. D:
    Where are the teachers when you need them? :/

    I know you don't care, but I'm trying to be stalker-friendly. >> Also: THAT SUCKS. Do something about it. :o

    Oh. See, in my school, most of the 7th graders live in fear of most of the 8th graders. I know I do. With reason; a lot of the boys either huge and lanky, or huge and... large, and like to act tough by pushing around the younger. Haven't had much experience with the girls, but they don't seem much better. And they all swear a lot, which reinforces my dislike of excessive cursing. The way I see it, they only do it in order to improve their image among their peers, if you know what I mean. It disgusts me.

    Yeah, my convoy~~ You're The Dragon, actually. As far as I'm concerned, that trope is named after you.
    That's exactly how I feel about you loosing internet access. How often do you steal library computers, anyway?

    Oh yeah, and Commander Sampson's Kudamon has a backstory but no explanation as to how they meet (at least, I think; somehow, I managed to miss the final two episodes of the Royal Knights arc, so if they revealed anything more than the, uh, Royal Knights thing (ack, no spoiler tags allowed ><), I wouldn't know of it, though if that's the case Wikipedia has nothing on it). Rather screwed up if you think about it.

    Aren't the 7th graders afraid of you? :/ They would be if it were my school.

    Noooo, you're not useless. If you made many posts bigger than mine, you wouldn't be as satisfying to ramble at, you know? You're only supposed to agree with me. XP
    ugh, things got worse today. it's complicated and depressing so I won#t be surprised if you don't want to know.

    also, why the lack of internet?
    I should be used to it by now, but it's just... D': Crashing forums make me sad.

    Bahhh, I'm not sure when I'll be able to send the stuff back to you, since I've got me reffin'z... Hopefully it's before Sept. 22, though.

    *sprays self*

    Yes, I love Dracomon too. Aside from Dracomon himself, Slayerdramon is so freaking epic. :o You know me too well; that's one of the main reasons I jumped on it, so that I could beat Digimon to him and therefore be awesome~

    Oh, no, that's not what I meant. I've got personality down. I'm talking about backstory and purpose. I do realize that in Data Squad, every main Tamer except Marcus and Keenan (and Spencer, if he counts) has a Digimon partner with absolutely no explanation as to how they were partnered with their Tamer, or any backstory at all, but seeing as I hated that, I'm certainly not doing the same thing. And as I mentioned earlier, I don't want Tapirmon to be a filler character, either. Well, I'll have more time to think about it.

    Aw. :< I wish you went to my school. You'd probably be one of the only awesome 8th graders there.
    nah, it's okay. i've been through things like thisbefore and i should be fine soon.

    yaaay pretty green flames!
    Big post is biiiiiiiiiiiig~ :o What if someone eventually manages to get so many Pokemon that they permanently crash the TCoD forums? D': Oh, woe and misery!
    It's annoying, though, when I go to the school library, finally manage to nab a computer, and the TCoD forums turn out to be down.

    Sent the PM :o Hopefully it's not too... in-depth or criticizing?

    SUPAH... Uh... Superman? :'D
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