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  • Well, not that much longer. Three lines?

    Yeah, got the PM. Read it over and now I'm picking it apart to find all the faults there can possibly be, mwahahahhahaha!

    SUPER SOUP YES (Now I'm hungry! D':)
    I just put it up there for my birthday, even though most people ask me what I want :/ Just a 'just in case' sort of thing.
    I'm perfectly capable of earning my own money now, so to be honest I don't have the faintest idea why I still update my wishlist xD

    Hmm... *cuts off a half and gives it to you* Don't worry, it'll regen :D

    Well, you have good ideas with your arenas and signature attributes and stuff, so why not? :o

    Well, I'll try, but ideas don't come easily to this puny brain of mine. Just warnin' ya :o

    SU - *shot*
    it's not too bad; it's just that i rarely have anyone to talk to during breaks and the days seem to come and go without change. pretty soon it'll be half-term again. plus i think i'm in love again but i don't know if she loves me back and i'm such a loser i can barely talk to her. even over msn. i want to ask her out but FFF OKAY MAYBE IT IS PRETTY BAD DEPRESSION.

    and you don't have to give me anything, i'll be fine soon, i promise.
    Oh-ho! :o That's an interesting one there. I have a thing for insane Pokemon. *has an idea now*

    I've got a Shroomish on my wishlist, but at the moment I feel like I have too many Pokemon :o So I don't think I'll be buying stuff for a while now.

    Yeah, I did. I have very little experience with drawing small things though >.>
    D': I think I'm just going to ask my mom to get one. If she asks why, I'll say it's because I need it for school. My mom's an education-freak parent type person xD

    Yes, we really should! >:o But it's a pity that we're both barred at the moment. *types up reffing for your battle against Twitch* Ugh, one of you die already! >:o

    ...I said nothing.

    Oh yes, I have :o But most of the stuff seems to be taken already. Well, if you have a good idea (And from experience I think you do) then I'm in! We need to do some more stuff to get the ASB League running faster >:o

    the first one. with a little of the third. c:

    making people feel happy in general is nice. which is helping me through my days of depression.
    Yeah. Uephota, my Dratini, is Dragon/Poison 'cuz her father was a Seviper :o
    And now I see a lot of people using the excuse of breeding for signature attribute stuff! :| Well, I'm actually not that bothered by it.

    Haha, yes, totally! I actually have a Breloom action figure (I used to collect those, okay?) but it's... kinda pale...

    Ohyes they are! So far we are the only two who were nominated :o I guess it's not a *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs *person* vs Blazhy vs Dragon anymore. It's just Blazhy vs. Dragon.

    My signature needs a lot of revamping... I'm drawing a banner for myself, but my brother jacked the tablet when he went to university D': So I have to get another one before I can continue.

    Oooo :o I love reading other people's signature attributes. They're so interesting :3 My only signature attribute is so boring.

    It's the other way around for me. Fighting mushrooms! How much more epic can it get? And in RSE it was one of the only 2 that could learn Sky Uppercut, if memory serves me correctly.

    OHHAI I checked the ASB Awards and both of us got nominated for Best New ASBer! :o Dude!

    SUPAR EFFECTIVE REFERENCE YES (But you must do it with me, or I'll feel lonelyyy D':)
    Oh. Alright. ;~;

    Naw, it really is okay, but between school and TCoD, you probably won't be reading it for some time. However, I am determined to get it up (likely on Fanfiction.net, once I join up) on the internet, so no worries.

    I chose Dracomon as the lead character's Digimon because not only is he a Dragon species, but he has a full, unique Digivolution line from Fresh to Mega (and one of his Mega forms is a Royal Knight), just waiting to be exploited. Dracomon alone has me convinced that unless something goes wrong, there will be a new season of Digimon. They're overdue, and they tend not to make Digimon such as Dracomon's line just because they feel like it; he has no other reason for existing.

    As for Sakura, I do have one concern about her, more, her Digimon partner. While Sakura is a worthwhile character with a worthwhile (and necessary) role in the plot, Tapirmon is extremely underdeveloped, basically just there so that Sakura can have a Digimon partner, and I have no ideas for her. Either I'm going to have to think long and hard about Tapirmon's character, or put a different, more suitable Digimon in her place.

    ... Okay, I'm sorry, I rambled. >< I just needed someone to talk to about it. I'd do it to Exo, but he wouldn't know how to respond to 'DIGIMON DIGIMON DIGIMON'. Do you mind if I speak to you just a little about it? D:
    Yeah, turns out Charmander can. It's an egg move :o *tries to imagine a baby Charmander with a pacifier using Outrage*

    YES SHE SHOULD HAAAA Maybe you could somehow twist reality and create a signature attribute that'll allow Storm to have Synchronize :o
    Something tells me that Phanel is going to faint from energy loss, though. 11% energy, oof, that's tough.

    I use Breloom because I hardly like any Fighting-types at all. Breloom and Lucario are just about the only ones I like, that I can think of.

    SUPAR EFFECTIVE REFERENCE YES (Ohnoez. We should make this a custom around TCoD!)
    Hm, in this battle I'm reffing, they just ordered their Charmander to use Outrage. So I assume yeah, Pokemon other than dragon-types can learn Outrage.
    ...I better check anyway, don't wanna epically screw up another reffing again D:

    Ah, I see how it is! >:o I like to poison people, but other than that I don't use status stuff much. Sever paralysis and severe confusion is cruel, though, man.

    What I find most annoying though, is Effect Spore. Damnit, in the game I used a single physical attack and I got put to sleep! What are the chances? (3.333%, actually)

    SUPAR EFFECTIVE REFERENCE YES (Are we going to end all our messages with this now?)
    Putting myself in that situation, it wouldn't much bother me; I know it doesn't, so it doesn't matter. They're the ones making fools of themselves.

    I've decided on names for all of my (current) main cast, including one character who is minor yet vital at the same time. You'll see, given that my fanfic gets past the idea stage. Takashi (goggle boy w/ Dracomon), Katsu (w/ Ryudamon), Sakura (w/ Tapirmon (female)), Saki (w/ None, and though I do have a Digimon in mind for later, I'm not telling), and Kenshin (aforementioned minor-but-vital character; dead before the story even starts; has a partner, but I don't feel I should reveal them before I can better explain the character).

    If you don't mind, I'd like to keep you informed on the progress of my fanfic. I've pretty much got the premise down, though some parts are still sketchy, and the characters are considerably more established than they were before, but they still aren't completely fleshed out. I know how I want to begin, I've got tons of stuff planned for the center, but I'm still kicking around possibilities for the ending (because this is one of those 'fics that the plot won't allow to go on forever). I won't say anything too sensitive for VM, of course; that I'll be keeping to myself.
    Yeah, true. You could be missing out on, like, 3 extra points of damage if you're using Outrage or something! >:o
    I don't find Synchronize as annoying, 'cuz I haven't encountered it yet :P I'd prefer to use a Trace Ralts, though, just for kicks.

    Really now to what?

    If my first statement, then no.
    If my second statement then hahalolno.
    If my third statement, yes.
    Ah, so is that how you came across Kratos's gigantic bank account? xD

    It's super effective, yes! I've always liked toying around with type match-ups, and I use super-effective moves whenever I can, but I like trying to immobilize my opponents so their fighting capabilities are more limited.

    Haha, when I read that last line of your comment, I was suddenly reminded of VG Cats' Pokemon comic.
    guess this means i win our asb battle :p

    Still, Meowth and Alakazam look cool so Mike is HAPPYHAPPY.
    Oh ho! :o Now this is an interesting development. Most people I know try to scoot away whenever I start talking about morbid stuff.

    Hahah, true, very true. I guess they've gotten used to it, but still. Poor bank staff. Suddenly I sympathize them ;~;

    Gogogo Sableye!
    I still find it funny how I end up using the most gimmicky Pokemon on ASB. Normally I'd never use Snorunt or Seel or Pokemon like that in the real games.
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