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  • you're a disappointment to me

    I want a deerling, eventually, but I haven't thought of a reference I could make in its nickname yet
    you're a sell-out eifie
    you don't ref for money, you ref for the unusably huge team that the money affords you
    what do you need money for, you've got 420blazeit asbux

    you'll never be richer than mf you know
    Incidentally, feel fee to run through me stuff from that battle you've picked up for e-reffing; I'm familiar with the subject matter.
    Technically, the metaphorical boat that spawned that whole ordeal is one you stepped out of before I did. That, and I'm on a horse.
    It's kind of like our money race -- you thought you could be first place for a moment there and then wham, nope, MF is the second richest non-banned player in the league and he's sitting on a ton of unclaimed reffings.
    Most unexpected function of actual mod powers: now you can see the bit in the Challenge Board where your second post would have been, if Zhorken hadn't brutally deleted it to put the open battle listings!
    I'd like to remove that pending challenge, yeah, since I've asked if I could take on Coloursfall's challenge.
    I'm pretty far along! I have the calcs done, I just need to ... write it up ... OTL thank you for asking, though!
    Hoo! Haa! Get ready! You've seen fried eggs, you've seen boiled eggs, but you've never seen eggs with a medical degree! Straight out of Stanford University, iiiiiit's Doctor Proctor!
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