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  • Mm... I would probably prefer to use my Exeggcute unevolved, to be honest, because I might never again get the opportunity to deploy egg-based squad tactics. So Sentret versus Exeggcute sounds good to me. But it's up to you! I'm flexible. Egg-headed trees are cool too. It all depends on how you like your eggs, I guess.
    Sure, if you want! I'm probably going to send out my Exeggcute and evolve them, but I've also considered buying myself a Carnivine or a Heatmor. So, I dunno! One of those three I guess. How's that sound?
    Just you wait until I cash in all these reffings I've been holding onto. You'll never catch up.
    Huh! Wouldn't have guessed. Well, keep up the good work! Especially if it helps me win or obtain food. But in general too.
    Yeah actually it looks like she's just in full lurker mode now you mention it.

    I guess I'll just close it and if you guys want to pick it back up upon her return I'll ref you a 1v1 between blob of other fox and whatever or something
    Well do you think you'll miss the battle slot? If not I see no harm in leaving the battle open and seeing what happens further down the line.

    or yknow one of us could ask arylett what she thinks but that's just /sensible/
    Well I don't know that she would, I just don't want to end the battle and have her come back all "hey man what the hell". idek
    Well she'd only just sent out a new Pokəmon which seems like it'd make it pretty easy to pick back up, but sure, I'll close it.

    (...should I actually DQ her or just call it a draw? DQing seems harsh when she has an absence sheet post covering it even if she does say go ahead and dq me pls)
    So it sounds from Arylett's absence sheet post that she's okay with being DQed from any and all battles. You wanna hold out for her to come back for yours or should I close it up?

    If the former you should go post commands or I'll hafta DQ you instead :B
    That's convenient, actually. I may not be active on here for a while, so it's probably best just to remove the challenge.
    Ahh okay yeah, we were talking about that in IRC and she wasn't sure who approved the closing. Thanks for solving the mystery for us.
    Eifie! Your idea worked too well! Thanks for offering to ref though :) Since I already have a pending battle with Zekrom_B0lt, and it is currently at the battle limit as is, I'd like to take on Music Dragon in my battle.
    Oh noooo do not cry! Even if you don't literally describe things happening, your writing has so much personality that it's hard not to visualize what you're writing about. I think you're doing great, regardless of the 3 year break!
    *whispers* Your reffing style is super fun in general actually! I was very amused by this match okay your writing is just really fun \o/
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