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  • You gave me money for defeating Whirlpool, but I didn't get any experience (to be fair, the post I linked didn't mention any exp). Is it within your powers to divvy it out?
    pffff I pay as little attention as possible to unimportant things like 'classes' and """assignment due dates""" and ""when is the final exam"" hhhahaha. I'm spending my time doing real important stuff like staring at the ceiling and.. watching childrens' cartoons omg

    I think all caps reffings is one of the most valuable ways to use your time! Although. Hhhhaha you were actually productive, so who is the real winner here???
    you know, the thing that you watch on your laptop with (someone else's) netflix account

    whaaaat is the strike Officially over now?? Oh noooo I have like three weeks of assignments I need to catch up on hahaha...
    Thursday is probably the best day not to have class, because that's when the good TV shows tend to be on hhhhhahaha. And if you skip class any day, you get a 3 day break so that's p good? (although I guess that's also.. not good for productivity..)
    Niiiiice I... actually don't either. I haven't had class since 2 pm on Tuesday because of the strike oops (Are you off because of your schedule, or the strike?)
    that's true
    but it's still a good thing macaroon didn't bite his trousers because i don't have a pokémon called shiki to sew them up
    well....... I hope you can get two whole phone bars in the weird basement floor of Sid Smith!! And that the wifi isn't Weird today and you can actually connect in class omg
    It's just a pity the match won't last long enough for Neku to get enough character development to say anything besides "..."
    yeah you wanna go??? I hope your exams are really easy and and and... and your wifi is especially fast!!!
    yeah?? yeah????? well... I think you are cool and I hope you find $20 on the ground!! hahaha!!!
    Sounds good to me. And maybe just maybe they'll find it in their hearts to do something more fun than continuous mass SE STAB spam...
    Urf, your Hoppip and my Smoochum would have been more or less the perfect tag for this, were it not for Lilypad's Cyndaquil... Wanna see if we can go with that and [ETA: oops should probably not be mentioning possible tactics where the other tag can see it]?
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