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  • And this, after I blew some on a rarity seven mon and the proper evolutionary stone.

    Now I just need to work some more, and get past $1000.
    Well, you already had strong dislike for Zhorken anyway.

    Fun fact: it neatly went all the way to the end of the third verse.
    Let's say this is game over for you.

    I'll go ahead and approve those now, also.
    err... i would but i'm not at home... if he doesn't do it by tomorrow i'll get to it ._.
    yes good, the theme of the lottery can be dumpster diving

    EDIT: who left all these Magikarps and Combee in this dumpster??? what the hell
    The best part is you can't release Pokemon or sell off items right. So someone's gonna have 40 Magikarps
    $10 a pop, 1% chance for a Rare Candy, 90% chance for something trash like a Sticky Barb or a Stick. someone fund it
    but liiiiiiiike buying Pokemon is too much work b/c half of them will probably never get EXP anyways? We should have a casino or something. The only way to solve this problem is gambling
    (merci lots)

    hmmm maybe I can catch up to you guys then hhhhhahaha. I'm only like $300 behind, more than doubling all the money I have right now shouldn't be too hard, right??

    (also we totally need some sort of money sink for all the rich refs to dump their money into. The state of the Asber economy is unacceptable)
    :O oops

    MF's done like 70 battles since the League's opened so like. where did you get the money to match his, anyways
    But tell me, did the guy go on to become the lowest peasant in the entire village? Because, comparatively, I think that's where the story's headed.
    For a brief moment now, you can dream... But you did you know it's only a fairly short matter of time before I claim about a month's worth of reffings?
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