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  • Ah, okay, no problem! I should really get back into reffing properly again, just kinda lacking motivation at the moment...

    Oh, do you mean it doesn't show up for you at all or is it just hard to see? The colours on it are pretty dark, so I guess it doesn't translate to a smaller size too well. This is the full size image if you're curious.
    I've been debating for a few days whether to use him or Toby, and I'm still not sure, so...
    Crap, sorry, been so long since I've done anything ref-related I've forgotten how this all works. It seems that someone has closed it up now, though.

    (Also, whoa, just noticed that battle almost lasted a full year)
    for a few minutes I was confused because Plum Seed didn't get enough EXP to evolve, and then I looked and saw that you had a huge pile of Rare Candies, lol
    yooooo eif, if the "mysterious reward" from this round of the tournament is a mega stone (it totally is, what else could it be?), then what mega stone are you going to choose?
    yeah, I got elite clicker in college back when I had tons of free time... I would not even dream of getting it now, lol
    Yeah, my last two were for hatching Arceus and getting 5 shiny novelties, and I finished them both almost simultaneously after the Arceus exploration was released :)

    Good for you! The badge explorations were my favorite group to do, lol

    Also, I'm really sorry, I completely forgot about the Wrath o'Khan (like every other ASB thing I have going on, haha.) I just posted commands - if it wraps up in time, I bet Airplane Baguette and Lover Man'll love their new experience points too!
    Did you send me any texts recently? I can't see them while I'm in Japan. You'll have to either VM me or use Facebook Messenger.
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