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  • I was done with the rest of the round, so I posted it! Let me know if I should change the poisoning thing (I think it would only make 1% of damage difference for Tommy), and in general what else I should work on!

    Thanks for being my reffing mentor :D
    That makes sense for poison damage. Since it's the last action of the first round of poisoning, is it okay to make it all apply on that last action, and then split it up next round?

    Ah! Thanks. I already did a couple of virtual coin flips for the 50% things, but I'll include my roll results for the rest of the things and from here on out.
    More things: I assumed that Snatch's extra energy to use would be 2%, since Protect, Detect, etc. cost 2% just to use regardless of success, and Snatch seems similar.

    Also, the Damage and Energy guide seems to imply that regular poisoning does damage at the end of each action, but the toxic poisoning implies damage at the end of each round. Since toxic poisoning is going up by 1% every round, should that damage be applied at the end of each round? Or, if it should be divided in three and applied at the end of each action, should the divided damage be rounded up or down?

    Also, how do you randomly generate results of percentages? I'm handling 50% pretty well - lots of online coin flippers - but what do you do for something like Toxic that has a 90% accuracy?

    Also I should be rolling chances for critical hits for all of the damaging attacks, right?

    Yay questions :D
    Okay, making progress. Just a couple of things to clarify real quick!

    Tommy's Wide Lens will nullify the accuracy drop of Hustle if she moves last, right? Hustle's a 20% drop and a Wide Lens is a 20% boost, so it should even out unless there's a weird calculation that I'm not aware of.

    And if Dotcom's moves are Snatched, does it just sit there and do nothing?
    Sounds good, thanks! (Oh gosh it's like 3 days since I meant to have this done. It's funny how before I had a reffing to do I was all "I'LL GET IT DONE IN AN HOUR" and here I am, three days later... but I have time today!)
    Okay! :D So, my question mainly involves Snatch. Since it's a +4 priority move (and Darumaka is faster than Porygon anyway), I'm thinking that Tommy won't use it as a conditional, because she can't see what Dotcom's trying to do in time to set it up. Snatch would actually have to be a primary order for it to work. Thoughts?

    And in the event that Snatch is successfully executed, does the Pokemon using the Snatched move (in this case Porygon) still get the effects of it, or are all effects transferred to the Snatcher?

    Also Porygon's Download should default to raising Special Attack, according to Bulbapedia, since Darumaka's Defense and Special Defense are the same, I think.
    So, if I already have a bunch of questions about this battle, would you rather I ask you now/post them all in the question box/or just make my best guess, post the reffing, and get your feedback? xD;
    >:D And you as well! I'm really excited that you're both my first battle ref and my mentoring ref - I promise I won't disappear on you!

    Now... let's see what we are made of! Let the battle begin!
    pretty eye! (baltoy, then once I get it I'm going for sigilyph. I already have a shiny golett luckily)
    I CAN'T DECIDE... They're all so cute, especially Rowlet (even though it creeps me out a little that it can do the owl head-turning thing without having an actual neck.) I feel as though Litten will have the coolest evolutions, but all of them are probably going to grow on me.
    Well, so much the better, then. Let's hope we all have more time two weeks from now.
    btw, apologies in advance if the next tournament round takes a while; I'm already on it, but I've got one hectic week coming up. Not that ASB's generally been going at supersanic speeds lately, but I figured I'd give a heads-up.
    I haven't got Ninjask yet, but I wanted Shedinja first because I've almost got all the non-Legendary/non-Novelty shiny ghosts :3
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