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  • Aww, bless you :) Because of time zones, I'm probably going to head off to bed quite soon, but I absolutely promise to reply more quickly than last time :p
    Aaaah, sorry this reply is like a month late, I actually wrote a reply before, but then the forum ate it, and I was so filled with rage I couldn't bring myself to type it out again. And then I forgot. I'm the worst, sorry :(

    But I've since FINISHED the game and oh god, what a GLORIOUS game it was. You're so right, Luna's ending is the BEST, she's pretty much the best character. The Phi ending is great because it explains so much (except, amusingly, Phi herself), and I also love the K ending because it had probably the biggest WTF moment in the entire game. I love to hate Dio, but I LOVE the Tenjimouji twist, that was FANTASTIC and makes so much sense. Quark was a little boring in terms of being not having much of a twist, although his story is really, really sad if you think too much about it, and the Tenji bit at the end when they're talking about the motorcycle paths made me more emotional than I thought I would be :( Thinking too much about Clover and Snake, given the twist ending makes me really sad, too.

    I'm pretty pleased with myself for figuring out some stuff (almost all from the Knox's Laws thing - that was SO CLEVER, though), but there was so much that I just didn't get at all and took me completely by surprise. Although the Sigma-foreshadowing here and there is SO GOOD, like when he's talking about how he's a student and Clover's all 'been working on that PhD for a while, eh?'. It's tied back to 999 really well, although the final-final bit of the game was a bit disappointing because it was slightly too sequel hook-y, in a way that 999 wasn't. I love that Alice's story was fully explained, and I really like her character, although she spends most timelines either dying or nearly-dying.

    The bit of the game where the Gentlepoints show up is GREAT. I also love the explanations of stuff like Quark's hat, it's so funny in such an otherwise heavy game. And, oh god, the bit where it's talking about the A and B floors and says something like 'rumours of connections with a Swedish pop band have been dismissed as hurtful to all involved' or something. Amazing. And the BIT WHERE K RIDES ON THE ZERO JR RIDE. Alice and Sigma's reactions are phenomenal.

    I'm trying to get everyone to play it too, except I think everyone should start with 999 - not that VLR can't be played first, it can quite easily, I think, but VLR ruins most of 999 and that story's just too good to be spoiled. And 999 never made it to the stupid UK so I just have to lend it out to one person at a time. But I've got you to talk to about it, so that makes me happy :)
    S-Stripy are you angry about being a girl now. :c Eifie Eifie!! Are you going to get the Jely Draik :o opal's gone to classes I finally have time to say hi, hi. Are you going to get the Faerie Paint Brushes!! Would you trade Stripy for harvestmoo. I'm sorry I'm never around I live under a tyranny ;;
    EIFIE HI opal went to class I'm free from his oppressive presence. I have to confess something... he saw his new avatar before I got the opportunity to put it in place :( He was like "... was that my name" and I was like "... ... no ..." and he made me show him even though I flailed. >:( Please forgive me...

    "4 ... and she changes colour to Ice!!" :ooo opal's been a total jerk. I was like "I want to tell Eifie this >:(" a few times yesterday and he was like "you like Eifie more than me >:( why don't you just go marry Eifie >:(" wow insecure much >:( I told him I can't you're in Canada.
    omg I can't reply to any of this I'm being dragged away help I'm trapped...... help... okay I will tomorrow. :o :o :o it's okay look this is just one VM we're toning it down.
    hope opal likes all the key quest I'll be playing on his computer! :3 :3 omg... I'm going to just leave opaltiger the Xweetok on his screen... I'll make it his background maybe......
    omg why are they all so expensive ;; 10 is so great it fits so well with the disco staff and wig and oh...
    omg... yesterday I seriously went into the NC mall and I was like... should I... shouldn't I... no I won't Eifie would judge me. omg they're only 300 NC though that's not that bad... I want the faerie aisha ;;

    hahahahaha yeah sorry Neopets names are like, traded for UCs and stuff. I've snagged a few place names, though :o 'Pandive' kinda sounds like an evolution of Panpour maybe.

    omg big news!!!!!!!!!!!! I traded Vanille :o :o :o :o
    Oh my goodness, I've spent the last three days or so being HOOKED on VLR. I'm about 26 hours in and, like you, have been terrified of that saving bug, so my solution is to PLAY IT AT ALL TIMES so I never have to save. The timeline-jumping thing is so great though, it means I actually can keep saving to an absolute minimum.

    So far I've gotten Clover, Dio and Tennymoldy's endings. Luna's probably my favourite character, but everyone's really interesting. Actually, I'm finding this game probably more fun than 999 because the characters have a bit more personality, I think. I liked Clover and Snake in 999, but didn't especially care about anyone else. Alice is super cool (although the biggest mystery of the game so far is what on earth is she wearing), and Tenny and Quark are wonderful. Zero III is fantastic, I love him. I want a cuddly toy of him I can just leave lying around and constantly scare myself with.

    I've got a notepad that I keep next to me and write notes to myself in every time there's something suspicious that I'm curious about, and it looks like the notepad of a serial killer. I don't know how far you've gotten, so I won't mention too much, though, in case I spoil anything. Okay, just one thing - they keep mentioning that Luna's 'got a medical license' but don't say if she's actually a doctor, or what kind of doctor she is. I hope we find out, I really, really want to knooooow. Part of me hopes she's evil in some way. She could be a scientist who helped develop Radical-6.

    I TOTALLY love the extra stuff you get in the Gold Files. The entry about 'gentlepoints' is the FUNNIEST thing I've ever read. And all the real-world stuff is so interesting, like how they talk about Shroedinger's Cat and talk about quantum mechanics and the Turing Test and all that. I'm interested to see if, in the process of telling the story, they break all 10 of Knox's Commandments :p

    Basically, I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH. I've been recommending it to anyone who'll listen, except I think 999 should be played first (not because VLR isn't as good without it, but VLR kind of ruins lots of 999 and 999 should never be ruined) and it was never relased in the UK and costs about 20 pounds to import. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, but I'm so pleased I've got someone to talk to about it :D
    Eifie... the unidle was because

    [17:15] [CTCP] Received CTCP-TIME request from en, sending answer.
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