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  • ! what... ... but I was always thinking the end was so far away... you have surpassed me like a warrior from some Chinese dynasty... also I have to finish an essay I've banned myself from IRC :((
    Thanks! The #maifia game never happened, actually, although I did #tcod for a while. Oh well! Maybe tomorrow or something??? Although then it'd just be a game of regular #mafia, which would still be cool.
    ! I was. just about to tell you about that part, too. I've been replaying them all as well! :o Right now it's 2-4 and wow I totally forgot a whole bunch of stuff from it. They're a really replayable series, right! There are only a few I ever skip!! Maybe next I'll replay Investigations! Help, maybe it's bad that they're the only things that can cheer me up lately.

    ! wow I always forget how it had really cool and pretty music. Maybe I'll rewatch that, too! Maybe we should watch the same anime together some day! :o
    Regardless maybe if the test was just a pretty hard test you'll still come out on top! :o Also ummmm I was randomly going to ask you if you were an Ace Attorney fan because I forgot, and also I've been playing the games lately. Then I decided you probably weren't?? I. I guess you are, then!!

    I watched the film the other day, finally!! It's weird and fun. It's kind of strange that it's screening at your school, wow. You should see it!! :o Watch out it makes hardly any sense.
    !! I'm so lucky! :o And oh. :c But if you don't have the marks yet you don't know exactly how you did, right! Maybe the tiara's good luck spell means that you only get the good luck at the end so they'll have to change the marks. :oooooo Help I dropped a mouth.
    ! wow it's Eif can I have your autograph :ooo I don't know it's been a bad week but. The next week *might* be better and tomorrow I randomly get to see opal for a few hours! How are you, too!
    well, I #mafia when I exist. is just difficult to do that when I haven't had a usable computer is weeks. I mean, I think its fans are broken, overheats after a few hours up, can't really #mafia then, eh? because. hours. and is even less possible to #mafia with unkeyboardful uncomputer, because uncan keep up with two thumbs and needing to watch the keyboard and unable to read typing.

    that is the story of res no exist in #mafia.

    and you two go on about technicalities and miss some fairly obvious conclusions you can make from it.

    Finally I can try to prod you! This is an important milestone for me, right. :D
    I'm glad I don't see you as her though that'd be kinda weird xD I see you more as a... gentle pony with an apple.
    Sure thing! Kind of sad that it's all dwindling to nothing; it would've been really fun.
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