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  • Eifie I finally managed to get back on and you left >:(( rude who am I meant to have a Little Cup battle with now.
    hi I'm at a friend's house and suddenly communication is way more interesting :ooo hi!!!!!! okay bye.
    Eifie the difference is that I change mine aaaaaaaaaaall the time. what's shocking is that it's not a Pokemon one. :o I admire your perfect amount of full stops.
    Oh my goodness, I would LOVE to obsess over VLR with you, but I've not actually gotten that far with it - I desperately want to play it, but real life keeps making me do other stuff (work, sleep, be social). I know exactly how you feel, though; when I was playing 999 I made pages of notes about my theories and thoughts on characters and stuff, but I didn't have anyone to talk to about it because nobody I knew had played the game.

    Are you enjoying VLR then? I'm really, really looking forward to playing it properly, and I'll get right back to you with any developments/thoughts I have with it. At the moment, the most pressing thing on my mind is what on earth is Alice doing here? (And second is what on earth are Alice and Clover wearing?)
    Eifie here's a VM so that if the server is busy tomorrow then you'll have a dramatic notification to wonder about!

    It's totally dramatic, right.

    also noooo I fell off of your page.
    Same here! I found the anime first, but only had access to the first episode for the longest time. Then I discovered the magic that is Funimation's Youtube channel and finished the series super quick. And loved it so much that I had to read the manga.

    But, yes, most definitely! Mayaya had my friends and I completely floored watching the first episode. Just her capslock and over the topness just is fantastic. But, I really do appreciate that she's treated as more than comic relief, too. Actually, Kuragehime does an excellent job of presenting its characters as people, methinks.
    Oh huh you can see it really easily in the conversation url. You beat me to the punch maybe I wanted that 190 slot >:( You and that Nautilus, always doing this >:( also I feel honoured to know :o good night tell me about the test some time!
    Yeah, I'm actually caught up with the manga! I'm assuming you are, too? And do you also read the bonus manga?
    Right who's Cirrus. Eifie I am here but I'm falling asleep :((( byyyyyeeeeee... ... ...
    Oh no I always check the forums in the morning when I'm sleepy so I forget to reply my life is really hard. :c Sorry I seem to sleep at like 8-9pm these days! I thought it would be better but I just sleep through fun people being awake. I'll try harder!! It's okay I missed #truth during the day I still got it done.
    opal called me like "Why." and told me to talk to someone and then I realised you'd be asleep by now. :( a sad tale.
    oh no oh no did I miss #truth or something ;; for some reason I slept for eight hours, woke up, then slept for another eight hours...... why... also, your wall can hardly talk >:(
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