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  • Also if you obsess over #mafia, I'm kiiind of obsessed over hypothetical situations in ASB. SO.
    Of course!

    ... Well, it's sort of on me for always being up for it. #mafia is a totally acceptable thing to obsess over!
    I usually glance through the A&A guide for help with description really, since every move has a little blurb like "the user draws on its firey spirit and launches it through its fist" or something like that. There seems to be a lot of focus on the kinds of energy they use. So of course Pokemon more attuned to that energy will be able to utilize it in different ways, which I would assume are seen through those various punches and kicks. Or at least that's my guess. I don't know.
    Well that could explain why we pick up all these battles! I guess getting more and more into the Pokemon's head could be another way to solve that problem, or perhaps writing the battle as a kind of actual story. Maybe that's why people use such complicated arenas, so there's more for refs to write about?

    And I do, mainly because I have no idea how to use any other one. In fact I will start crunching the calculations for your battle as soon as I finish untangling the command strings.
    Absolutely! Nothing too complicated there, so I'm sure I can get a reffing done in a couple days at most. You shall have your Espeon soonish.

    Well for me the main problem with descriptions isn't so much describing the attacks as it is finding a way to describe the same attack in a way that's interesting. There's only so many times you can write "crackling beam of light" before it gets snooze-worthy. I could probably use more fluff in my descriptions actually. But, whatever works.
    Oh sure, that'd be great! I don't think it matters to any of us how long you've been a ref. Incidentally, if you have any battles that need to be picked up I'd be glad to take them.

    And thanks! Congratulations to you too even though it's been months since you were approved. Also I have to mention that your descriptions of battles are much better than mine, since they go in-depth and everything.
    Eifie you still exist! Hi.

    What are you doing still existing

    EDIT: Okay, now you don't! Which is terrible, terrible, Eifie if you aren't going to sleep at least make it consistent. :(
    it's okay have fun being asleep!!!!! I did sent a note. oh I guess you can see it well have a VM anyway hi.
    ! That was my entire philosophy exam. Putting out more sentences felt physically painful. Eifie it's okay, just two more to go! :o
    When I first joined ASB, it didn't have a shiny ASB tab. ^^; So I never used it until months later (after someone noticed that I wasn't using my account and asked to buy my starter). Then some things happened - maybe all my RPs died, or something? I don't remember the whole chain of events - and now I'm hooked on it.

    Probably reverse mafia, then! Either that or the mafia won't be suspicious at all. You'll have to force yourself to suspect someone.
    Really? I'm pretty sure I could survive in ASB for... well, a long time just challenging specific people for a battle. But then again, that's sort of the problem, isn't it? "Oh, why set an open challenge or accept one? I'll just battle with my friends!" I have reffing connections too, but reffings can go slowly after the battle gets picked up! I don't really mind because hey, I'm procrastinating too, and it got picked up in the first place so.

    I constantly have stupid ideas! I just don't like getting them approved or fleshing them out. Colors? I... never really thought of that. I'm pretty sure my type coverage is what, though, but I don't really care because I choose pokemon more for movepool. And shenanigans.

    November...? Wow, that feels like so long ago. What sort of mafia was it? All innocents should be forced to act unsuspicious, of course. That way the mafia will just give up.
    I know, right! Having only four slots is terrible. :( But eventually I want to buy a lot of pokemon and have a huge team--it'd be fun! And I have signatures/pokemon to put them on that don't exist and yeah.

    Yeah, I wouldn't have, which would have been really detrimental. Also I know what you mean with being suspicious of everyone! Sometimes I have no idea who I really think is the mafia, because all of them are doing this or that and there's no one I trust.
    :D The first time I seriously thought about fakemon in ASB I considered
    but I realized I didn't need a sabitten as much as I needed a... bellsprout, cacnea/seedot, and some others. I still might get one someday! Eventually.

    Meanwhile, I was pretty useless! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK, right, so it was totally their fault. I can't remember all the specifics, so, was there anyone you actually thought was innocent? Because if the only person you really believed wasn't mafia was alien, well. It couldn't have hurt to try!
    ! Is your Spoilers spoilers for

    Also I never mentioned but only half of the town was innocent? That's awful. The innocents are supposed to be the majority :[
    ! Eifie I only just saw that VM. so that's what was up with him :C way to be a jerk wow >:(
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