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  • Oh, and do you have a paste of the last game I was in? I had to leave (for reasons other than Subway), and I'm sort of curious how it ended.

    But suddenly shutting up might be even worse!
    It must have been a looong day, then! I'm sort of curious what the whole game was like.

    Not if you never claim and are lynched due to accusing someone too much!
    Haha, it would have been sort of amusing if everyone was confused enough to abstain. Frustrating for you, though.

    People might be suspicious of you for being really suspicious of who you inspected!
    I got recruited into Madoka by Kusari and res! Also this Madoka mafia is really super-confusing because Madoka may or may not be a player and
    may or may not be a player and in general I'm not even sure what I'm doing. Here's what I have so far! (To non-Madoka people: spoilers!) I'm trying! But no one's actually watched it yet. Also fine no inspector. Instead, we'll have an oracle and a tracker.

    It sounds very ridiculous, because I don't understand any of what was going on. >[ Did you survive?

    Pfft, un-lazying. That would be way too much work. Just claim!
    I think I've seen you reference Madoka before, so!
    I thought of the title Puella Magi Madoka Mafia today and now it really needs to be a thing. Would you be interested? It looks like it's going to be super-confusing (probably not as bad as FF Mafia, but maybe close) and about fourteen/fifteen players, if it makes any difference. It might be spoilery, which makes me wonder how I'm going to get enough people to play, but oh well.

    If you play you can insist on there being no inspector! Roles will be public, so. I'm having trouble figuring out who inspector would even be, anyway. And saying that sort of thing on a hunch really seems weird! If you were fakeclaiming as inspector, I guess it would be sort of okay (except you would be lynched afterward), but it seems like there are better ways to gain public trust.

    I first heard of mafia online! One time a friend of mine brought up mafia, and I really tried to get everyone to play the game. Without saying I had played it myself, because I didn't really want to say where. It was sad and it never happened, but if I was mafia I would've done horribly anyway.

    Yes! And it took me forever to think of them. I probably should've just said "what the hell, pathos, I'm your terrorist" and tried to get you lynched that way, but logic wasn't working well with me right then and yeah. I'd like to get better at them, too! A few times they've been little more than blatant lies and wow I don't even want to think of that.

    I'd say the same, but that caused me to lose! >:( You didn't seem like an inspector at all, and I doubt I would have believed you if you said that.

    But hindsight is 20/20, so maybe I would have. Maybe I would have spent too long thinking about it and let the mafia win anyway.
    Except for the part where I don't come on there that much! So I should have something to say when I do come on, because interrupting things to say nothing is embarrassing.

    And that's too bad. :( Well, maybe if people spontaneously comes on tonight?

    But people actually call you out on that! See: what just happened. And um saying that when you know the person is innocent just sounds really silly. Meanwhile, I get on TCoD a lot during the morning. I felt so disappointed to miss... well, at the time I had no idea what it was, but apparently it was an inspection! Wow. My TCoD schedule is sort of erratic; I wouldn't think much of it unless I knew you were online at the time the thing was posted.

    You probably know my feelings about being mafia! It's more healthy for paranoia to be innocent, and fakeclaiming is haaard. I could never play real-life mafia. The last time I had to fakeclaim in #mafia, my heart was racing and I could think of /absolutely nothing/ and I was really jumpy with the discussion because oh no people said things and why aren't people saying things also I was feeling twitchy beforehand and it was crazy.

    Flora is never really active enough to fakeclaim, is she? Plus, bluzzy had already said she was a vanilla townie to me.
    Because going into IRC is sort of intimidating and will make me feel awkward if I end up saying nothing!

    Is there anything happening in #mafia? I know I just lost a game, but still. That means I need to even the score! I had a really really irritating gut feeling that DarkAura was innocent with that whole "lynch me" thing and I felt just sort of... off... about being inspected and everything. But then I told myself to shut up because I hadn't spoken in a while and probably wasn't ~thinking like a mafia~ and decided bandwagoning would be fine.

    You and bluzzy led discussion really well! I actually couldn't remember Flora fakeclaiming, haha.
    We never got to test out lots of things. :( I'm super-sad.

    I remember the sewing role thanks >:( I should. Actually read the role list again sometime soon. What kinds of things need edits! Maybe we could just play a bit and test things out while editing?? If we can get people to play. :( They should, right! Oh when do Mai and Blazhy get on they should come dash all of my hope already so I can make new plans.


    I liked dancer :( It made people keep claiming for some reason even though they had no win condition did they forget. Also oh I sort of remember that >:( And I do remember you getting super-poisoned sorry Eif.
    Ah, I see. Since I hadn't replied, I thought I hadn't done it. Fixed a second time, then.
    ! Eifie hi!! I do kind of remember, I think I got a message the next day like "um here's your Salt Mote back :c" maybe I'll send it again.
    DQing is fine, since you're supposed to treat it like a real battle. I'll get to it soon.
    ! Eifie oh no :c Eifie sorry you don't get to have Ruby version that would've been exciting enough for a PM, right!!!! Eifie I don't remember what I dreamed I did earlier but then Sam randomly had to come into my room and make sure my smoke detector worked >:(
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