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  • Huh, I've yet to get that one. And I'm not far from finishing them all...

    This kind of thing is why I die inside little everytime I see "[Pokémon who isn't in my squad] picked up a Reviver Seed" in high-difficulty dungeons.
    "omg how do you ref so fast" -Eifie, who usually refs things in like ten minutes (also happy New Year's!)

    master forgive me I have not been attentive enough to your good deeds. thank you for it tho!!

    I shall go command straightaway
    I thought it was cleverer than anything I could come up with. Definitely a unique moniker. And it has a nice ring to it!
    Well, that would... just be a Stone! Iron Balls are balls, not stones!

    (edit 2: Okay I had things here but I forgot Iron Ball didn't actually double the holder's weight, so it's my mistake. :P Your numbers look all right to me, I guess?)
    "An Iron Ball sadly floats down the river" Oh my god, how would an Iron Ball float?! This is a travesty...
    Alright, if that's the case I'll give him a few more days. (Sorry for not getting back about this earlier!)
    Well, your pain is self-inflicted.

    ETA: That's Naval Piranha, actually.
    You're telling me you're not currently sitting on a giant pile of unused Gold Bars? Just a few of them make for excellent cash.
    That just means they're situational instead of completely useless. It might be worth just paying the Hawlucha.
    Why do you even bother keeping those two around? I mean, not that you have many better options, but there's got to be something.
    I'm guessing you don't have a lot of moves that can through the distance your thrall occupies.
    It's usually just as simple as making one of them take the front, though?

    Sometimes the covering is just so completely purposeless. Like, at least 25% of the time it's just a harmless NVE move... which is super-effective against the Pokémon doing the covering.
    Ally Reviver is the best. Although my usual take on it is less "go the other way" and more "shield my body with thy very lives, thralls".
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