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  • I've casually mentioned my computer broke down last month, haven't I?
    I was actually intending to pick that one up as soon as I can do it from my actual computer and not a cracked or minuscle touchscreen, provided that no one else takes it first until that time comes about. (Ideally it should only be a couple days away now, but we'll see what the future holds.)
    Hmm. I kind of just picked up another one of Meursault's battles as an e-ref, but, feel free anyhow.

    Also, you're handling a lot of battles right now, aren't you? If it's getting to be a little much, feel free to hand one or two of them over to me for a spell.
    So, did that thing about base power increases leading to corresponding base energy costs increases ever get fully applied in the end? I'm unsure about factoring Hustle and/or Rain Dance into that.
    But how could it possibly wim when so many strategies get nominated every year??
    Oh, please. You may have gotten a nomination, but I'm running the ceremony.

    ... And that's supposed to intimidate you somehow.
    I really want to give tavvy a sig move that's just him ranting now srsly thank you so much for that reffing
    No better fit for Yveltal than a dungeon you can kill quickly.
    ahhh thank you ;-; The Paras army is growing nicely!

    Also, while I'm here, just want to say sorry for being so late on the reffing, things have been a bit stressful lately and I haven't been able to get much time to myself
    If you break your end of the deal I will break mine and silence you.
    Give me a break I'm on mobile, and isn't it more exciting to save that for a big big reveal at a more opportune moment?
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