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  • Wow, thank you so much, that's awesome! Can't wait to get started with y'all. I do have one little question. I am hoping to get a shiny Budew one day. Are shinys allowed here?
    That does happen, and it's awfully convenient when I straight-up forget to pack the requested item (which is like 90% of the time), but I still orefer to have the item on me beforehand so I don't risk one of the enemies on the floor picking up the item and going wherever the hell. Also, on the same floor is one thing, within two tiles is a different and funnier thing.
    Also, I've been requested to bring a Warp Seed to a Drifloon who was hovering two tiles away from a Warp Seed, but I'm less mad about that since the surplus Warp Seed went on to save my ass from a status-healing Monster House.
    Aaand not long after we discuss the subject, I find a Metang fainted just 2 tiles away from a fresh apple. I took that one and gave it a less fresh apple.

    At first I was thinking of giving him this ridiculously long name that one of my teachers in the law course had, which starts with Thimas and then has like seven more letters. iirc that actually broke the name length limit so I settled for Thomas. But yes, you know where the principle of the name comes from.
    I think I would've KO'd it myself if it had that aggravating factor on top of the pun.

    Also, fun fact: my starter's Attack is now 100. I was just clearing up some loose ends in Small Sand Dune and the only things I couldn't OHKO by just using any move were the ones with Sturdy. And then I found a Barrage Emera.
    I've actually considered changing my name to MetallicaFanboy since it'd actually look so much like it draws from the same pool as those botnames.

    In other news, I just fed a hungry Boldore and it was like "the bold ordeal is over" so now I want to make it uneat my apple somehow and get back to straving.
    Right, see, I don't believe in silly superstitions like- [crunching and burning noises in the distance]

    T H Y W I L L B E D O N E
    Oh wait it DOES only happen once the gift is revealed. Yeah, I meant to do that; all trading has historically happened in a public thread so it didn't really occur to me that anyone would want to trade in secret.
    Uuuugh no I meant for that to only happen once the gift is revealed but I messed up. I need to get that working properly.
    I guess you could also give him Body Slam or Seismic Toss, for a lowered base Speed in return?

    Unrelated: Super Gourgeist is (almost) as big as Latias, Porygon, and Spheal...
    Fixed the first thing! The second thing has been on my mind for a while though I don't think I've made an actual issue for it.
    Never you worry, I'll just deposit that one in my bank account in case any Primeape's inclined.
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