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Erindor the Espeon

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  • Well, it sounded good. :D

    Now you have the power to make me waste all of my money by recommending really crappy games. xD
    Twilight: Jesus and Chuck Norris having a knife fight on a stone bridge?
    There, bought a copy ^^ I ended up getting it on the PS1, it was a lot cheaper.

    Still leaves me low on PC games though. Luckily building castles and killing Arabs for no apparent reason it pretty darned addictive, so... :D
    Twilight: Ooh! Ooh! Like the biker dudes who make fun of some prophet guy and 47 of them get mauled by a bear!

    Biker dudes?! I seriously gotta pay more attention in church!
    Might check eBay or Amazon for it then ^^ I could use some PC games. All I have is Stronghold Crusader, plus a bunch I haven't played in ages.
    Twilight: You've got it wrong. Mike the headless chicken was fed liquefied chicken food through an eyedropper. He died of choking on a kernel of corn.
    Twilight: Umbreons can't. But their bodies do twitch quite a lot for a bit afterwards.
    You mean he bought Croc 1 or Croc 2?

    I think I played a demo of Croc 2, a looooong time ago :3
    Twilight: Especially since a head will stay alive for about 15 seconds after being severed, and will blink, try to talk, and-

    Twilight: Thank you, Erindor. Regarding Midnight.. yes, that's the one. He died quite a while ago. Decapitation, to be exact.

    .... :freaked:

    Twilight: And Dawn did too, of-

    Twilight: Evoli has, so, to a lesser extent, I have too. They're awful. Incidentally.. have you met any of my siblings? Because almost all our names are pretty unfortunate. Me, Dawn, Eclipse.. yeah.

    Nobody cares, Twilight. >>
    Twilight: And I could take being compared to that horrid book series as an insult..
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