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Erindor the Espeon

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  • I love horseshoe crabs! They're cool. I wanted one as a pet when i was little, but.. xD
    Nah, I'm not too bored.
    *evil laughter*
    Oh wait.. I just posted. xP
    I've been trying to log on for three hours and post, but my computer was being an idiot. FINALLY!
    You know what? There's complete chaos going on in the RSP already... should, uh, stuff happen now? xD
    Okay.. so Twilight goes back on the ship and hides somewhere..

    Hope she doesn't miss anything important. xD
    Yeah.. I'm actually trying to think about how it would start now.. xD
    Suppose Twilight quietly disappears while this stuff is going on, and after Ming leaves or whatever.. yeah. Shock and surprise. xD
    Aargh, I can't wait for the crazy egg stuff to start happening already! Very impatient, I know. xD
    This will be long, so.. sorry in advance.
    Okay. SOO..
    She grew up in Ilex forest, yada yada yada yada..
    Ends up on a Pokemon ranch, evolves, gets traded off to a guy in the Pokebattle.. whatever. But not for fighting, because even though she's pretty strong, she was too shy and submissive to be useful. So.. Twilight was used for breeding purposes, and the baby Eevees were all taken away immediately and raised as fighters themselves, eventually dying in the arena. After a while she basically said enough is enough and attacked several humans when they try to take away the next litter of Eevees, putting all of them in the hospital. The only thing it actually accomplishes is convincing her trainer that she'd make a good fighter after all, starts "training" her for whole days on end (mostly involving getting beaten up by the rest of his Pokemon) and she ends up having to fight. Several months later and after many attempts, she runs away and joins RSP.

    So.. hope that any made sense.. >>
    I know. Just a random thought. xD

    So.... yeah.

    In really long RPs like the RSP, do you ever keep on adding and changing your character's history in your head, even if it's never mentioned? (Hope that made sense..) Because I keep doing that with Twilight's backstory, and now it's pretty creepy..
    Yeah.. it would be kinda awkward otherwise.

    On a completely unrelated note, does this make Lydia the baby Eevee Lydia Jr.? xD
    I just realized something. There's already an Eevee named Lydia in the RSP!
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