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Eta Carinae
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  • I actually wasn't going to go for the whole 50000 this year, but then I got placed into the war. It's a good motivator, but as you said, it can be stressful.
    ._. why don't I have any good plot ideas all of mine suck compared to yours

    Here. Join it!
    :D What's it going to be about?

    I'm doing this completely without a plan. It'll probably end up nowhere because of the numerous projects due in November (ironically, from my English teacher), but I'll try. Also, are you going to join the Word War?
    :/ I considered it, but that would have been just plain mean (but Fire Blast IN THE FACE isn't). I also don't get the satisfaction that I get from ordering if I take that road :(

    Your advice helped me beat Lance. Even though I raised my Pokemon to lv 40, but you helped.
    Actually, I challenged the E4 today, and got to Karen's Houndoom (her last) when he used Nasty Plot and killed Herp Derp my Lanturn and my chances of winning slipped away.
    Do you have HG/SS? I need a good place to train. I got the game last Saturday, and I'm at the E4. My mons are at level 38-39. Besides Victory Road, any other place that's good to train in?
    *facepalm* Whoops, my bad.

    So, I'm guessing that you're not going to be able to play it, but if you would, could you proofread it? Maybe point out a spot where I put a wrong note? Thanks in advance :)
    Really? Is it that AVG's blocking it? Save Link As should work, but if it doesn't, Copy Link Address then paste it into the URL.
    ... Uh oh. I have AVG and it works fine most of the time, but sometimes it redirects me to a weird page. Try it again by right-clicking the link and choose "Save Target as..." That should work.
    ... Ahahaha I just realized my prediction is my last VM to you came true. I did get paired up against Kratos!

    ~~~If I win this round I will be paired up against Karkat/Crazy Linoone~~~

    Anyway, I suppose you're right. Although I still used fully evolved ones (only technically; two out of three were basics with no evolutions) and will likely feel much more comfortable using them in the future, some pokemon really do have oddly extensive movepools which more than make up for being unevolved. I seriously considered using Ma'at for the battle.

    It would be interesting if we both end up facing each other later on! I've sort of gotten over my fear of this now, and personally I'm really hoping for a Dream World pokemon. If I do get one, though, I don't even know which one I'd get. Hopefully I'll remember to pick one with a larger movepool than snivy. I'll never use him at this rate.
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