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Eta Carinae
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  • Aww :( How much homework do you have?

    My memory usually serves me better than this...I am about as tired as you

    (Also, Vulkan, the Volcarona you sold to me, is still in your ASB profile. Also, you changed your Biography!)
    So I went to the choirmaster for our church. We determined that I'm a baritone with a really good falsetto. Although my falsetto sounds just like my higher natural range. :/
    i) Ah, I see. Yeah, I'm more comfortable with that range than I am in my "natural" range
    ii) I'm telling you, I drove the high school choir teacher mad. I guess I could go to some private voice tutor, but just to give you an idea, my lowest note is (given C4=middle C) E2 while my highest singable (not so squeaky that it's painful) note (with falsetto) is C6. Another problem is that I can't produce every note in between. EDIT: Wait, I just noticed that I can :o
    iii) I don't know, really. Maybe I should.
    Un: Usually, it isn't, but I'm in the range. Before I hit puberty and was able to sing sufficiently low, I was considered a Soprano for our church choir :(
    Deux: I see. I actually don't know where I am, and nobody can really place me :(
    Trois: The one in the Behind the Avatar thead.
    "Six hundred voice cracks a day". I feel your pain, bro. You're baritone? I thought you'd be alto or something, judging from your picture.
    You're in my sig. "Thank God for atheism". I don't know if that was done intentionally, but it is a hilarious paradox :)

    But wow, that paragraph was deep. Would you rather live forever in an ideal place or have your existence terminate at one non-projective, unchangeable, stochastic point in time?
    Exactly. Every time I see an awesome arena I want to drop whatever I'm doing that doesn't have a ref and go straight for it
    I know the feeling, I have two slots that are taken up by battles that by all means should have been over by now. The refs are just...nowhere.

    I have no life so that won't be a problem with me! :)
    The games; I can play TCG but I don't own a deck nor am I particularly good at it.

    And, let's quote the Pokémon website:

    "...divide the U.S. and Canada into large regions..."
    "Travel Award to their respective National Championships"
    "A Travel Award for the winner (including a parent or legal guardian for players under 18) to the 2011 Pokémon Video Game U.S. National Championships at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana, OR the 2011 Pokémon Video Game Canada National Championships in Toronto, ON."

    So yeah, I don't know, but there should be at least one place in BC wheere they could hold these; I wouldn't mind going as far as Hope or Lytton or Port Hardy for these. Also, in the fine print, it says that even if I win a Travel award in Salem, I don't get to use it :(
    The regional tournament. If you're in the top 4, you get a travel allowance for the nationals.
    I sort of like your "buying candy for $75 isn't normal" sig more, but yay for being featured in others' sigs! :D

    Unrelatedly, why aren't there any regional tournament locations in Canada? The closest is in Salem, Oregon -_-
    Dude, my desktop gets bluescreens trying to generate bluescreens

    OK, maybe not, but you get the idea.
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