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Eta Carinae
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  • Sure. De Moivre's Theorem:

    If z = r(cos(x)+ i sin(x) and n is a positive integer, then:
    z^n = (r(cos(x)+i sin(x)))^n = (r^n)(cos(nx) + i sin(nx))

    This is an incredibly interesting theorem. Ask your dad about it.
    I'm doing Hard simultaneously. On Hard I'm getting murdered by the spike corridor in the Graveyard, that's why Medium.
    I have only had it for three days and I'm two screens away from Mecha Birdo. It's a bitch. I'm doing Medium and I hate myself for it.
    Yeah, I guess.

    In my reffing prime, I shot past $700, and then began spending recklessly. Mostly on gifts.
    Being responsible for the atrocious spending your signature describes is rather amusing.

    Then again, I don't think it's normal, outside ASB, for a referee (or, more fittingly, writer) to be so obscenely rich the only reason why they haven't hit past the thousandth buck is that they find hoarding pointless.
    My level was around 34, and my best skills were baking and making runes? I don't know. :(

    :o Oh how I wish I had your uncle

    It seems like you have discovered the joys of staying up late and waking up late. Join the dark side.
    I remember when I used to play. Then, I brutally lost interest around grade 6 and gave my account to a friend. They found out about the ramen from the three bags in the garbage can.

    ...What does it mean? It's so bright, so vivid
    (missed a "why") Well, I guess the reason they don't trust me is the time where they left me for a day to go shopping in the US, and I ate ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and played Runescape for the rest of the time. Good times.

    :O Why don't my parents trust me that much

    I wish I had your teachers. Mine just teach whatever is in the textbook, without thinking anything over. Really, the only teachers I like are my English, Woodworking, and PE ones. Ironically, those are the ones who gave me the lowest marks last year, but I love them anyways.
    Oh then. You'll miss out on the Lvl. 50 with Snarl :( . When your parents go on a trip, they just leave you with your uncle? Lucky. Mine basically never go on a trip without me (mainly because I'm the navigator).

    It's awesome for me. Just the right (nonzero) amount of homework and I finally found the group of nerds in our school. :3
    You should do Nano, even if you're stressing out about it. Last year, I thought I wouldn't be able to complete it, and it seemed like that would be the case when I had just over 39000 words at 7 am on the 30th. I then wrote over 11000 words that day (it was a school day!), in under 8 hours. If you have writer's block (as in, you know what happens to the characters, but don't know how to word it), skip to another scene and write that. Failing that, just go and write about your characters having deep philosophical discussions (sort of like Dave and Mia). They don't even have to make sense. When revision comes, 90% of them will go, and the remaining 10% will be made into the story's themes
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